Questions tagged [optimizely]

Optimizely provides A/B testing, Multivariate Testing and optimizations for websites and mobile apps via software as a service

Optimizely is a feature management and experimentation platform that provides feature flags, A/B testing, multivariate testing, recommendations, and personalization. It includes a reporting interface that provides results and statistical significance powered by Stats Engine, built in conjunction with Stanford University.

Marketing teams can use Optimizely's visual editor to run A/B tests without having to deploy code. This functionality can be extended by adding custom CSS and JavaScript and building reusable templates called Extensions.

Product teams can use Optimizely's Full Stack solution to run experiments across any application and control feature releases with feature flags using Optimizely's server-side, JavaScript, mobile, and OTT SDKs. Make every feature on your roadmap an opportunity to learn.

Development teams can use Optimizely's free Rollouts solution to put code behind feature flags to easily roll out and roll back features in any application without additional code deploys using the same SDKs as Optimizely FullStack. Mitigate risk for every feature on your roadmap.


93 questions
1 answer

Optimizely not getting activated for Java SDK code

I'm trying to use the below code from the Optimizely docs : Map attributes = new HashMap<>(); attributes.put("device", "iPhone"); attributes.put("lifetime", 24738388); attributes.put("is_logged_in", true); Boolean enabled =…
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1 answer

Optimizely not working on production app

There is some issue with editing mode on production app (downloaded from app store). I've implemented all required setting. When I build app from Xcode to my device, then send link from website to myself, clicking this link opens app end enters…
2 answers

How to rebind jQuery event handlers after replaceWith, e.g when using Optimizely

Optimizely A/B test service uses .replaceWith("new HTML") extensively to produce easy A/B testing. This has the side effect of removing any event listeners that were listening to events from the replaced elements, even if the new elements would have…
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0 answers

Defer 3rd party script to the next AngularJS digest

I've got a directive that manipulate DOM, and than a 3rd party script: // manipulate DOM var elButton = angular.element(''); element.append(elButton); // 3rd party-service that is to manipulate elButton…
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1 answer

how to allow cross scripting for a specific site?

I'm trying to test my website with Optimizely (a name of a tool allowing to create A/B tests etc). This tool tries to load my page inside an iframe and I get JS error: blocked a frame with origin "...optimizely..." from accessing a frame with…
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1 answer

Need of jQuery in delivering variation in optimizely

I have created an experiment on Optimizely and I want to start the experiment. But before starting, I want to test out things how they look. So I created an experiment and copied code from the text area which they provide via button at the bottom…
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How to get isFeatureEnabled to return the same value for all users in the same organization?

Let's say I have a small business product that we are selling to organizations. How do I ensure that all users in the same organization get the same experience? For example, let's say I have the following two users (user with id 123 and user with id…
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1 answer

Function finished before the .then inside

So I'm completing a task in a language(Optimizely and React) I have never used before. As you can see below I have 2 different if statements depending on the returned value, the value returned is fine. I can see that is fine while debugging, so…
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1 answer

No traffic in experiment report

I'm testing Optimizely and created an implementation in my reactjs project. The optimizely script is loaded only when required (lazyLoad), so for that reason, when creating a new experiment in the Dashboard I get the "snippet not present in the…
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1 answer

How to write Angular Controller inside Experirment JavaScript in Optimizely

I have tried writing angularJS controller inside experimental javascript of variation in optimizely. it does not seems to work. Basically i would like to insert HTML snippet like this
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2 answers

Multivariate Testing with Optimizely

I've just started using Optimizely, and really love it. However, I need to do a multivariate test. Has anyone come up with a way, hack or otherwise, to do MVT in Optimizely? Manually creating 25-100 variations isn't my idea of fun. Alternatively,…
Matt Luongo
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1 answer

Optimizely is not changing variation after clearing cookies

I have two variations in my experiment with the following traffic allocation percentages: 1) Original (0%) 2) Variation #1 (100%) The site is always showing the original, even though its traffic allocation is 0%. It should always show Variation #1.…
Jaime Montoya
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3 answers

Optimizely reliability

We started using Optimizely and we're blown by the results so we started creating aggressive campaigns. But then we realized something was wrong and I would appreciate any help we can get. We tested (for example) on the homepage instead of a blue…
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1 answer

Optimizely experiment/variation id/name

I am trying to figure out where i can find the experiment_id, experiment_name, variation_id and variation_name on optimizely.
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1 answer

Integrating Optimizely with Adobe Analytics

I'm trying to Integrating Optimizely with Adobe Analytics. I have followed along with this guide: with no success. The props(prop51) and evars(eVar51)…
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