Questions tagged [fadeout]

The fadeOut() method gradually changes the opacity, for selected elements, from visible to hidden (fading effect).

Hide the matched elements by fading them to transparent.


.fadeOut( [duration] [, callback] )

duration A string or number determining how long the animation will run.
callback A function to call once the animation is complete.

jQuery Fadeout Documentation

1461 questions
10 answers

Android fade in and fade out with ImageView

I'm having some troubles with a slideshow I'm building. I've created 2 animations in xml for fade in and fade out: fadein.xml
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CSS how to make an element fade in and then fade out?

I can make an element with an opacity of zero fade in by changing its class to .elementToFadeInAndOut with the following css: .elementToFadeInAndOut { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 2s linear; } Is there a way I can make the element fade…
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How to make fadeOut effect with pure JavaScript

I'm trying to make fade out effect for a div with pure JavaScript. This is what I'm currently using: //Imagine I want to fadeOut an element with id = "target" function fadeOutEffect() { var fadeTarget = document.getElementById("target"); var…
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3 answers

JQuery delete DOM element after fading out

I want to delete an DOM element right after fading out. What I did so far is $(element).click(function() { $(this).fadeOut(500, function() { $().remove(this); }); }); But now I always get this error in Firebug:…
Sebastian Hoitz
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How to hide a div after some time period?

I need to hide a div (like "mail sent successful" in Gmail) after a certain time period when I reload the page. How can I do that?
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iOS 7 launch image (splash screen) fades out

On iOS 7, launch images fade out instead of disappearing immediately when the app is loaded. Is there any setting to prevent this launch image fade out animation? I need it to disappear immediately just like in the iOS 6 and earlier. Edit for…
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Fading out text at bottom of a section with transparent div, but height stays under section after overlaying div

I'm trying to get a nice fade-out effect at the bottom of a section of text as a 'read more' indicator. I've been following a bit off this and other tutorials, and my code currently is as follows: html

malesuada fames ac turpis…

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3 answers

Android alpha animation fadein fadeout with delays

I want to do a very simple alpha animation but I cannot find a valid way. The idea is to perform this animation over a view: alpha from 0 to 1 of 1 second hold alpha at 1 for 5 seconds alpha from 1 to 0 of 1 second hold alpha at 0 for 5…
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4 answers

jQuery fade out then fade in

There's a bunch on this topic, but I havn't found an instance that applies well to my situation. Fade a picture out and then fade another picture in. Instead, I'm running into an issue where the first fades out and immediately (before the animation…
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6 answers

jQuery: FadeOut then SlideUp

If an item is being deleted then I would like to fade it out and slide the other elements up to fill the empty space. Now, when I use fadeOut() the item doesn't have a height at the end which results in the other items jumping up (instead of sliding…
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4 answers

Show and Fade UIImageView after 2 Seconds

I am working on a notification system in my iPhone game and want an image to pop up on the screen and automatically fade after 2 seconds. User clicks a button that calls the method "popupImage" An image appears on the screen in a designated spot,…
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3 answers

How to make Qt widgets fade in or fade out?

I am trying to fade in and fade out a QLabel or for that matter any QWidget subclass. I have tried with QGraphicsEffect, but unfortunately it works well only on Windows and not on Mac. The only other solution which can work on both Mac & Windows…
Soumya Das
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TextView animation - fade in, wait, fade out

I am making a picture gallery app. I current have a imageview with a text view at the bottom. Currently it is just semitransparent. I want to make it fade in, wait 3 second, then fade out 90%. Bringing focus to it or loading a new pic will make it…
Guy Cothal
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4 answers

Fade In and Fade out in Animation Swift

I have an UIImageView with an Animation and, in the UIView, I apply a fadeIn effect, but I need to apply fade out when the UIImageView, which is animated, when is touched. This is what I make to fade in. UIView.animateWithDuration(0.5, delay:…
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5 answers

jQuery :FadeOut not working with table Rows

I have the following HTML table is rendered to my browser.I am creating this table from my ASP.NET codebehind file. …
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