Questions tagged [search-engine]

A search engine is program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.

A search engine is a program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.

Although search engine is really a general class of programs, the term is often used to specifically describe systems like Google, Yahoo!, Yandex and Excite that enable users to search for documents on the World Wide Web and USENET newsgroups.

2893 questions
15 answers

How do search engines deal with AngularJS applications?

I see two issues with AngularJS application regarding search engines and SEO: 1) What happens with custom tags? Do search engines ignore the whole content within those tags? i.e. suppose I have

Hey, this title is…

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8 answers

Is it possible to search for a particular filename on GitHub?

I know that the GitHub web interface lets you search all repositories for files with a particular pathname (e.g. searching for path:/app/models/user.rb yields > 109k results), but is there a way to search all repositories for filenames independent…
Peter Alfvin
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15 answers

What's the best Django search app?

I'm building a Django project that needs search functionality, and until there's a, I have to choose a search app. So, which is the best? By "best" I mean... easy to install / set up has a Django- or at least Python-friendly…
Justin Voss
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6 answers

What is the difference between web-crawling and web-scraping?

Is there a difference between Crawling and Web-scraping? If there's a difference, what's the best method to use in order to collect some web data to supply a database for later use in a customised search engine?
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3 answers

How do websites know they're not the default home page or search provider?

As far as I'm aware, there is no public API exposure of a browser's default homepage/search provider. So how does Google know to display this? It only comes around when Google's not the default homepage / default search provider on my browser. I…
Tennyson H
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2 answers

What does percolator mean/do in elasticsearch?

Even though I read the documentation for Elasticsearch to understand what a percolator is. I still have difficulty understanding what it means and where it is used in simple terms. Can anyone provide me with more details?
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10 answers

Designing a web crawler

I have come across an interview question "If you were designing a web crawler, how would you avoid getting into infinite loops? " and I am trying to answer it. How does it all begin from the beginning. Say Google started with some hub pages say…
4 answers

Search in html source with GOOGLE?

I have several websites, and I can't remember where I wrote some lines of code. As my pages are indexed by Google, I would like to know if Google offers a facility to search within the HTML source code/mark-up itself, instead of just allowing search…
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2 answers

How reliable is ElasticSearch as a primary datastore against factors like write loss, data availability

I am working on a project with a requirement of coming up with a generic dashboard where a users can do different kinds of grouping, filtering and drill down on different fields. For this we are looking for a search store that allows slice and dice…
Harshit Agrawal
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4 answers

Is there a good indexing / search engine for Node.js?

I'm looking for a good open source (with LGPL or a permissive license) indexing engine for a node.js application, something like Lucene. I'm looking for in-process indexing and search and am not interested in indexing servers like Sphinx or Solr. I…
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4 answers

Are search engines going to see my dynamically created content in Bootstrap tabs?

I have a page index.php with 3 Bootstrap tabs in it, and for each tab I am generating its content after user clicks on it. For example: when page is loaded I will execute SQL query that will get data from database only for first tab. when user…
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5 answers

Is there a search engine that support regular expression search?

First, I checked this question but the answer refers to an obsolete service. So is there a web-based (or software, I don't care) that provide searching internet content with regular expression?
ilyes kooli
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4 answers

Search engine Lucene vs Database search

I am using a MySQL database and have been using database driven search. Any advantages and disadvantages of database engines and Lucene search engine? I would like to have suggestions about when and where to use them?
Santosh Linkha
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1 answer

ElasticSearch - Searching For Human Names

I have a large database of names, primarily from Scotland. We're currently producing a prototype to replace an existing piece of software which carries out the search. This is still in production and we're aiming to get our results as closes as…
Nathan Smith
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9 answers

Building a web search engine

I've always been interested in developing a web search engine. What's a good place to start? I've heard of Lucene, but I'm not a big Java guy. Any other good resources or open source projects? I understand it's a huge under-taking, but that's…
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