Questions tagged [optimizely]

Optimizely provides A/B testing, Multivariate Testing and optimizations for websites and mobile apps via software as a service

Optimizely is a feature management and experimentation platform that provides feature flags, A/B testing, multivariate testing, recommendations, and personalization. It includes a reporting interface that provides results and statistical significance powered by Stats Engine, built in conjunction with Stanford University.

Marketing teams can use Optimizely's visual editor to run A/B tests without having to deploy code. This functionality can be extended by adding custom CSS and JavaScript and building reusable templates called Extensions.

Product teams can use Optimizely's Full Stack solution to run experiments across any application and control feature releases with feature flags using Optimizely's server-side, JavaScript, mobile, and OTT SDKs. Make every feature on your roadmap an opportunity to learn.

Development teams can use Optimizely's free Rollouts solution to put code behind feature flags to easily roll out and roll back features in any application without additional code deploys using the same SDKs as Optimizely FullStack. Mitigate risk for every feature on your roadmap.


93 questions
1 answer

optimizely server side experiments tracking the events

I’m performing a server side experiment where our results are A/B tested on a small fraction of users before launching to everyone.We use optimizely sdk library for java .we have experiment setup in optimizely ui and we call activate method for that…
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Optimizely acount singup

Here i am trying to create new account on optimizley but i unable to do that i also download optimizely windows version now i did find any signup button .. how i signup with optitmizley .. i search but never found any better solutions . will anyone…
rebma testio
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2 answers

How to get the datafile version number of optimizely in iOS SDK?

How to get the datafile version/revision number from Optimizely's json file in iOS
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1 answer

Access cross-domain iframe elements like in Optimizely

I'd like to be able to manually select text from cross-domain iframe with javascript on the frontend. I know it's pretty difficult to achieve such result as the use of postMessage is required if I decided to use a 100% javascript solution. I'm…
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1 answer

Angular + Optimizely: How to navigate to a test page url without reload(using angular's router navigate)?

I am integrating Optimizely X to my Angular application. I have 2 variation of a page /original and /variation1. There is a feature in Optimizely where you can redirect the original to variation1 if user is bucketed to variation1. But this will…
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1 answer

Targeting seperate parts of a URL in Optimizely with REGEX

I'm trying to target a set of URLs sharing the same template in Optimizely the Specifically trying to target the hen/in- part and the /day part. I've been testing this: /(hen)/in-.*/day[^/]+$ Although when…
Charlie Howes
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1 answer

Can I exclude a web browser in Google Experiments for split testing?

I have been using for split testing for months. They allow to exclude visits from specific web browsers from experiments. I am trying to do the same in Google Experiments but I am wondering if Google Experiments allows to do that or…
1 answer

Optimizely API - "Missing the required field visitors"

I'm trying to use the Optimizely API for the first time using a webhook that gets triggered by another tracking platform (WhatConverts). The goal is to track phone calls since Optimizely natively doesn't. I'm successfully capturing the data from…
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How bad are redirect A/B tests for performance?

My company is asking to A/B test our main menu navigation which is available on all of our pages. We currently use a platform called Optimizely to redirect users for any variations. I know that redirects are especially bad for mobile performance.…
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Understanding Optimizely API

I am trying to understand better how the optimizely api works. I am a newbie. So please excuse me if I am asking something very obvious. But I thought the API works by using an optimizely object that has two methods get and push, and a data object.…
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3 answers

How do I call a function after user clicks in ng-click?

I'm running an optimizely test in this page: This is the current javascript for the test: /* Don't touch this code */ function waitForDelayedContent(selector,…
1 answer

Run through List and move items to end if child element has a class

I am trying to do something that I think should be simple enough to accomplish, but it's not seeming to work out for me. I just want to run through the list of thumbnails on our site's alt images, and then if it has a child link with the class…
1 answer

writing custom code after form submission

Good day ! I am using optimizely . But its general question. I have form validation code, $("#frmForm").validate({ // Specify validation rules rules: { // The key name on the left side is the name attribute // of an input field.…
1 answer

How to use regex for URL-targeting

As a disclaimer, I must say that my experience with regular expressions is very limited. I am using Optimizely for A/B testing and have run into a problem. I only want my experiment to run on one page, however, this page's URL-structure is somewhat…
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2 answers

Using react native with Optimizely

I try to follow documentation in Optimizely to get my react native app (@22.2) working but getting such bug. error: cannot find symbol Optimizely.startOptimizelyWithApiToken("xxxxxx", getApplication()); …
Marceli Janowski
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