Questions tagged [google-experiments]

Content Experiments is a somewhat different approach from either standard A/B or multivariate testing. Content Experiments is more A/B/N. You're not testing just two versions of a page as in A/B testing, and you're not testing various combinations of components on a single page as in multivariate testing. Instead, you are testing up to five full versions of a single page, each delivered to visitors from a separate URL.

88 questions
5 answers

Google Analytics Content Experiments: Possible to setup Variations for Multiple Pages at once?

I've recently learned about the new Google Analytics Content Experiments which looks interesting. ( ) The standard usecase seems to be that for a certain page, say a…
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Multiple experiments with google analytics api

We use the analytics api to download the experiments and variations, and do the variation selection for our visitors on our end (i.e. Server-side experiments as described here:…
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How to run Google Experiment within Google Tag Manager

I have been trying to get this to work for sometime and there seems to be very little information on how this works. First, I would like to say that I tried the below method to get it working, so please read this before posting a solution. What I…
3 answers

Running multiple experiments on Google Analytics Experiments from the same page?

Does anyone know how I can set up and run simultaneously multiple experiments (or a single one, for that matter) off two pages (original and variation) with a dozen links to signup pages to figure out which one of the two variations produces better…
Crazy Serb
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Angular.js and Google Analytics Content Experiment

So I'm trying to implement google analytics content experiment on a website which is made as angular one page website. I had setup two versions of my home page, as / and /?v=2, pasted in the google code as instructed, at the very top of the …
1 answer

How to set up Google Analytics Experiments if my Google Analytics run in Google Tag Manager?

When I am working on setting up Google Analytics Experiments in my page, I found the Original page and Variation page both need Experiments Code and Google Analytics code write inside them. During the Setting up, I found that the Experiments need us…
0 answers

Run multiple simultaneous tests with Google Content Experiments API

I'm trying to use Google Content Experiments API to run several A/B tests simultaneously in the same page (similar to a multivariate test). I've tried just putting all the recommended code for each test one after another, like this:
1 answer

Google Analytics Experiments - get experiment variation

I am measuring conversion rates between two sites - one site ( has an iframe with registration form from another ( I need to measure REAL conversion rate, which means only successfull registrations. For this I am using server side…
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How do you implement horizontal candlesticks using the Google Charts API?

I'd like to use the Google Charts API, but they don't seem to support this (at least publicly). This is what I'd like to replicate (for an internal report): screenshot Edit: This is the closest thing that I've found:…
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Google Analytics content experiments with dynamic urls

I'm looking into setting up a content experiment for my site. All the documentation states to set the url for the original page and then set up variations of this page at different urls. The issue I have is that my product pages all have different…
Tim Webster
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Sitewide Google Optimize redirect test

I have a website and we build the same website on another system We want to test if the new system converts so we thought to set up a google optimize. Is there a way to redirect all the sublink? Something like…
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cxApi.chooseVariation() always returning 0

My site is a single page webapp. I'm loading the experiment code with my experiment id: After all is loaded, at the moment I display…
1 answer

How can I tell if my Google content experiment is running?

I've created a google content experiment without redirects using the docs. The basic implementation involves a javascript snippet that uses the following code to choose the version of the experiment: