Questions tagged [offline-mode]

251 questions
3 answers

could the first ever maven build be made offline?

The problem: you have a zipped java project distribution, which depends on several libraries like spring-core, spring-context, jacskon, testng and slf4j. The task is to make the thing buildable offline. It's okay to create project-scope local repo…
Anton K
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3 answers

Offline db app to online syncing, cross-platform, use HTML5?

For a school project for a real-world client we are being asked to create an app that can work in offline mode to store information into some sort of db, that will then sync that info with an online db when the system has an internet connection…
Joe R
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1 answer

Problem in Pocketsphinx demo on Android

I try to download and run the offline voice recognization demo from this link - . I m successfully install and run this demo project on device, but when i push and hold the…
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How relevant is support for "occasional connected" scenarios?

A while back, smart clients had been touted as the solution to "occasional connected" usage environments, and toolkits like Google Gears have sprouted for the same reason. It looks to me like constant, reliable Internet access is becoming more and…
Tony the Pony
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1 answer

Android studio Speech to text offline mode not working

I am trying to get speech to text working offline on an Android app I am developing in Android Studio. Here is the code I use to set up the speech recognizer. public void openSpeechMode(View view) { Intent intent = new…
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UI iOS Automation: I want to background the app and click the settings panel to put the phone into airplane mode to test the apps offline behaviour

I'm trying to automate setting the iOS into airplane mode, but I don't know how to access the settings panel to do so. I have tried the following to be able to see if the settings panel is listed when the app is in the background so as to be able to…
0 answers

Vs code is not starting without internet

last few days I was getting frustrated due to a problem in vs code. last month I switched from atom to vs code. Everything was working fine until yesterday. I was working on a project , after finishing half of the project I just closed the editor…
1 answer

How to update plotly plot in offline mode (Jupyter notebook)

I would like to build a simple interface with plotly and ipywidgets inside Jupyter Notebook (offline mode) and I am wondering how to update the plot if I want to add extra data. Here is my code: import plotly from plotly.offline import iplot from…
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How to download specific region of google map in android

I am making an android application that will show google map on the screen. By clicking on a button user can download a the his/her specific region and store that in internal storage. Later when internet connection is poor or not available then user…
1 answer

Which is better to make a web application offline -application cache or service worker?

I want to make my web application available even if network is not preset or when user is offline. I searched about this and find two solution: 1) use Application cache 2) use Service worker As service worker is in developing state and not supported…
0 answers

How to add data from a form in offline mode and when user back online this data is passed to database with Service Workers

i want to give my app user a privilege that if he/she enters a form in an offline mode it is to be saved on IndexedDB (or any alternative) and when he/she regain network access these data is to saved to a database.How can this be done with…
2 answers

Will HTML5 offline mode be supported in Internet Explorer 9?

I understand HTML5 off-line mode is not supported in Internet Explorer 8. Do we know if it will be in IE9?
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Visual Studio 2013 Slow Build Slow Startup

I've been having a very weird problem with Visual Studio 2013 Professional and it wasn't like this 3 weeks before. I have a C# solution with 25 projects all saved to my local C:\ drive. None of the project files are in my network shared drive. I…
2 answers

Does Picasso library for Android handle image loading while network connectivity is off?

I'm working on an application in which i use Picasso library for image loading in my ViewPager and other ImageViews. So i want to know what happens if network connectivity is off. Does the library handle itself or do i have to check the network…
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2 answers

How to alert users when connection is gone using Offline.js

I'm trying to alert users when they are offline, and show a simple message. I'm using Offline.js as a library (Offline.js website). I want to write JS and not use Eager to install it automatically. Here is what I wrote, but it doesn't seem to be…
Stranger B.
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