Questions tagged [image-loading]

359 questions
5 answers

image.onload event and browser cache

I want to create an alert box after an image is loaded, but if the image is saved in the browser cache, the .onload event will not be fired. How do I trigger an alert when an image has been loaded regardless of whether the image has been cached or…
Oto Shavadze
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7 answers

Dynamically Add Images React Webpack

I've been trying to figure out how to dynamically add images via React and Webpack. I have an image folder under src/images and a component under src/components/index. I'm using url-loader with the following config for webpack { test:…
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14 answers

Invalidate cache in Picasso

I load an image from disk using Picasso, e.g., Picasso.with(ctx).load(new File("/path/to/image")).into(imageView), but whenever I save a new image in that file, and refresh my ImageView, Picasso still has the bitmap cached. Is it possible to…
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6 answers

Android Picasso - Placeholder and Error image styling

I'm using Picasso library for image downloading from the network. I just wonder whether I can use a progress dialog or a GIF image as a place holder? Also any idea on how to make place holder image to be smaller (and fit in centre) than the actual…
suresh cheemalamudi
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5 answers

Android Volley ImageLoader - BitmapLruCache parameter?

I am having trouble implementing Image cache using the new Volley library. In the presentation, code look like this mRequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context); mImageLoader = new ImageLoader(mRequestQueue, new BitmapLruCache()); The…
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1 answer

webpack require relative image

I have two files: ./img/mypic.png ./js/help/targets/target.js In target.js: With webpack.config.js: 14 module: { 15 loaders: [ 16 { test: /\.js$/, loader: 'jsx-loader?harmony' }, 17…
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5 answers

Check image is loaded in widget in flutter

I am new to Flutter. I try to load network images using widget. it's working fine but sometimes it takes time to load. I added tap listener to during tap I need to check image is fully loaded or not based on the result I…
Magesh Pandian
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3 answers

Fade in animation while loading image Using Picasso

I want to show a fade effect when image is loading on Imageview. I am using picasso to cache image and display in image view. I have searched alot for this but couldnt find any solution. I have used earlier before and i know in some version they had…
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2 answers

Progressive Image Rendering, loading image pixel by pixel & updating imageview in imageLoader

I am working on an application where i need to load the server images in list. But the way of displaying images is bit different. I need to display image as it gets downloaded i.e. pixel by pixel. Initially the image sets as blur image than as it…
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3 answers

How to load image from SD card using Picasso library

i need to load images from the Sd card into gridview. For efficiency i'm using Picasso Library Picasso.with(activity).load(images.get(position).getDataPath()) .resize(96, 96).centerCrop().into(viewHolder.image); I used the following…
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7 answers

Images so slow they do not appear on page when document finishes loading

GOAL: All images appear on first load. CURRENT: If lucky, two or three images appear on first load; requires page referesh to see all images. This is my first site, written by hand. The client is a designer so quality images are important.…
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4 answers

Can Picasso queue for me?

Here's a critical point I don't know concerning the behavior of Picasso. Imagine you are, say, showing a slide-show of ten items. Say, they are on-screen for ten seconds each. The ideal behavior would be this: at the start of the slide show, I…
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6 answers

How to reload image in Glide from the same url?

I am using Glide image loader to load an image from a specific URL, now if I update the image to the same URL, Glide is still showing the cached image in my imageview. How to reload the image from the same URL?
Ajay Chauhan
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8 answers

Getting image width on image load fails on IE

I have a image resizer function that resize images proportional. On every image load a call this function with image and resize if its width or height is bigger than my max width and max height. I can get img.width and img.height in FF Chrome Opera…
Fatih Acet
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2 answers

Imageloader class creates lazylist folder in gallery. How to avoid it

I am using imageLoader class to load images from url. But those all images are storing in the gallery by a folder name called LazyList. It takes upto 40 -100 mb of memory. But I dont want to load that images since the users may feel discomfort.…
Kartheek s
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