Questions tagged [offline-mode]

251 questions
3 answers

"Reconcile Offline Work" in Perforce doesn't work for me

In the 2009.1 version of Perforce Visual Client for 32-bin Windows, the "Reconcile Offline Work" option does weird things. In the middle box where the "Local files not in depot" should be displayed, I never get anything. What I do see is that the…
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9 answers

What is the best method to detect offline mode in the browser?

I have a web application where there are number of Ajax components which refresh themselves every so often inside a page (it's a dashboard of sorts). Now, I want to add functionality to the page so that when there is no Internet connectivity, the…
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offline data storage & access using jQuery

does anybody have any experience writing up a offline data storage & access app on jquery. my server side app would be an ASP.Net app. basically, i would be providing a trimmed down version of my web app so that users could access some of the data…
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Strategy to sync offline local data with REST API after resuming connection

I have a hybrid application that is available on android and through browsers. Both clients use the REST API and websockets. Data is stored in localStorage. I would like the mobile devices to be able to modify offline resources, and after connecting…
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1 answer

Java Web Start Offline mode not possible with JRE 8u171

Does anyone still uses Java Web Start? Well I certanly have to. I have an application that needs to run in online and offline mode. Online for getting updates, but the actual use case is offline. Up to jre8u161 that worked fine. But with the current…
1 answer

is it possible to turn off wifi or switch iPhone to offline mode in codes in swift 4?

I want to know is there any way to turn on or off the iPhone wifi or switch the device to offline mode in codes in swift 4 or not I know that apple may not allow the app can do such things to be distributed in App Store But it's Not important I…
Saeed Rahmatolahi
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How to config MathJax for reveal.js when running offline?

In the reveal.js documentation, the MathJax section says that normally, MathJax is loaded from a remote server, and if you want to use MathJax offline you'll need to download a copy of the library and adjust the mathjax configuration value. The…
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How to switch sbt to offline mode

The questions Why offline still needs external http access? How to enable a proper offline mode Problem Inside sbt/activator I'm executing: compile set offline := true clean compile Having internet connection: First compiles…
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2 answers

react-native-maps support offline google maps

I am new to react-native, and I am going to develop an application by using third-party library called react-native-maps. Currently, everything just working find with online map as this third-party library is used google map. But my problem is…
KAL Bunna
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1 answer

How to clear sqlite database on logout

I am using Xamarin Forms and the WindowsAzure.MobileServices.SQLiteStore NuGet to handle synchronization between my sqlite database and my azure database. Everything works fine, but when I want to logout my user I want to clean the database. This…
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4 answers

Implement taking a website offline?

Don't need to do this right now but thinking about the future... What would be your method to take a website "offline" for a little bit through a custom coded cms? Meaning give the capability for an admin to login into an admin panel, type a message…
Capt Otis
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Is there an Android best practice for auto-completing addresses in offline-mode?

I have an app which requires the registration of companies.Part of the registration requires the companies address. I was wanting to auto-complete / suggest the address using: GeoDataApi.getAutocompletePredictions() (or equivalent) to minimise…
5 answers

Memcached - how to deal with adding/deploying servers

How do you handle replacing/adding/removing memcached nodes in your production applications? I will have a number of applications that are cloned and customized due to each customers need running on one and same webserver, so i'll guess that there…
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Best means to store data locally when offline

I am in the midst of writing a small program (more to experiment with vs 2010 than anything else) Despite being an experiment it has some practical use for our local athletics club. My thought was to access the DB (currently online) to download the…
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3 answers

Website that runs without Internet?

allaboutrajini site tells you to stop your internet connection to enter the site.I guess it determines whether the connection is on or off with javascript or something like gmail and qoura do. But how can they store so much of flash animated content…
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