Questions tagged [offline-mode]

251 questions
1 answer

indexedDB XML Schema?

I am writing a small and simple API to abstract away Web SQL, indexedDB, and maybe even localStorage/JSON. The API will allow the programmer to think of the database as a small relational database even if the database actually being used is…
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Download custom map style mapbox

I want to make an app, there will be an offline available map with custom style. I made a custom map style using Mapbox studio, and I find a simple offline map example on When I am downloading mapbox made map style (e.g.…
1 answer

Does Yarn 2 support --offline mode like v1.x?

I am using Yarn 1.21, and with a couple of manual steps I am able to make the offline mode work in a completely offline environment (corporate network). Yarn 2 looks very exciting but after some googling I cannot find any mention of this. Also…
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Need some suggestions for developing a desktop application that uses offline database

I have a web application that needs to be implemented as a desktop application. With my brief research about it, I came to know about Electron. Though it is an amazing tool to convert web applications to desktop ones, my application needs a database…
2 answers

Contact form that holds form data locally if there is no network (Offline)

I am looking to build a contact form that will send off data if its connected to the internet. If there is no network, it will need to store its data locally (iPad, iPhone etc...). When it gets back into network range it will then submit the…
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Why does my Vue Spa not work in mobile offline mode?

i run into a (at least for me) strange issue with vue. I created an SPA without any remote content. Just a .html file, some css and vue to "jump" between content divs. The SPA was created for mobile devices. When i visit the page with internet…
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Military level engineer challenge

I am trying to create a special military RADIO transmitter. Basically, the flow is: A solider will receive a message to transmit (about 10 times a day). Each message is of length 1024 bits exactly. He will insert this message into the radio and…
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How to view data, that are parsed from the MySQL database, in offline, using SQLite?

I am developing my school's timetable app for android. I am getting timetable data from MySQL database. -> I have access to the timetable, only when I have an internet. But I want to make timetable accessible without the internet. I read that I…
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How to automatically recognise internet connection using Swift 3

I want to synchronize data with my App-Server whenever data has been saved to the local database (sqlite) on my mobile phone. I need a mechanism that automatically detects an internet connection in order to send the related saved data to my server…
Johannes N
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How does data get stored in online exams or tests in real time when the connection's OFFLINE?

I'd like to know how or where data gets stored in an online TIMED exam or test when the network connection becomes offline! I've seen scenarios where the network connection suddenly drops down and when the user logs into his account again, finds…
Mass Kent
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2 answers

Store grid data in Offline

I searched through google for offline data store, but i didn't get. I have one kendo grid i need to store the kendo grid data in offline mode when click the button and perform offline data synchronization. I mean Store grid data in Offline local…
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