Questions tagged [airplane]

Airplane is a setting to disable the device's signal transmitting functions on mobile devices.

Airplane mode is a setting available on most modern mobile electronic devices like cellphone, tablet and etc. that when engaged, suspends the device's signal transmitting functions (both WIFI and Cellular network), thereby disabling the device's capacity to place or receive calls or text messages or access internet, while still permitting use of other functions, and let user use the device in some restricted area like Airplane.

108 questions
13 answers

How can one detect airplane mode on Android?

I have code in my application that detects if Wi-Fi is actively connected. That code triggers a RuntimeException if airplane mode is enabled. I would like to display a separate error message when in this mode anyway. How can I reliably detect if an…
Sean W.
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4 answers

How to programmatically enable and disable Flight mode on Android 4.2?

Is there a way to disable or enable Flight Mode on Android 4.2? I use this code that works only for previous Android versions: android.provider.Settings.System.putInt( c.getContentResolver(), …
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10 answers

Toggle airplane mode in Android

Did I make a mistake? It's not working. public void airplane() { boolean isEnabled = Settings.System.getInt(this.getApplicationContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.System.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, 0) == 1; …
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2 answers

Toggling AirPlane mode in iOS Programmatically

I want to on/off airplane mode in iOS programmatically. After googling, i got some of the following links, and followed them, Reachability airplane mode (3G) vs. Wifi Using Private Framework: Importing RadioPreferences.h Detect if iPhone is in…
Mehul Thakkar
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4 answers

iphone how to check the Airplane mode?

HI , i want to check wether Airplane mode is on or not .. how to check that ? thanks + how to check that the user is using WIFI or GPRS OR EDGE . how to differentiate ??
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1 answer

How to toggle Airplane Mode on Android 4.2 and above using root?

As is known, on Android 4.2 only system applications can toggle Airplane Mode. But I think it must be available for rooted devices. And I want to impliment it in my application for rooted devices with Build.VERSION.SDK_INT>=17. How to toggle…
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1 answer

Broadcast Receiver is taking too long to receive in onReceive() after airplane mode turned off/on

I have created a simple Broadcast Receiver and it working absolutely fine except that if i turned on/off the Air Plane Mode, it is taking nearly 2 minutes to receive the broadcasted messages using onReceive method. Another thing is only this is…
3 answers

How to make number not reachable (similar to call blocker)?

There are lot of call blocking application for mobile, like NQ Call Blocker. But in these applications, if we add a number to blacklist, the caller will hear "Busy Tone". Also the caller can hear "Ringing Tone" for a fraction of second. Which means,…
Gokul Nath KP
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5 answers

Is there a (legal) way to capture the ENTIRE screen under iOS?

I've tried several techniques to capture a screenshot of an app from within that app. None of the techniques appear to capture the status bar -- it ends up being black. There apparently was once a way to do this, but that interface is internal and…
Hot Licks
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1 answer

How to be notified when iPhone enters airplane mode?

Is there a way for my app to be notified when the device enters (and leaves) airplane mode?
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Reachability on iOS 8 delayed?

The Reachability classes from Apple Reachability sample code seems to fire quite delayed when the user places the device into airplane mode. I am seeing roughly a 5 second gap between the user going to airplane mode and the actual notification. Is…
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1 answer

Android: Programmatically Reset Phone Radio Network Signal

Is there a way to RESET Phone Radio Network Signal in android app ? (This might be equivalent to pulling out and in SIM card) One possible way is to enable airplane mode, but I think it is not the correct approach. …
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1 answer

Does Handler.sendMessageDelayed() work when phone goes to sleep?

I am developing an android application and I want to reduce the power consumption. The method I believe is to put the phone into sleep mode whenever the user activity stops for a certain threshold period. I have three questions regarding this. If I…
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3 answers

turn off airplane mode in Android

I would like to turn off the airplane mode if num>50, I implemented this code (from Toggle airplane mode in Android) but when executed I get a force close, can any one help here? if(num>50){ // read the airplane…
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2 answers

How can i know airplane mode on or off in ios

i would like to check airplane mode on or off on boolean variable. for example : Bool airplaneMode = airplanemode; if(airplaneMode) { NSLoag(@"Airplane mode on"); } else { NSLoag(@"Airplane mode Off"); } i don't want to check Network is…
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