Questions tagged [offline-mode]

251 questions
9 answers

Haskell offline documentation?

What are the possibilities, if any, for getting offline docs for Haskell core libraries (and maybe more)? Sometimes I take my laptop to the coffee-shop where there is no wifi, and it would be nice having something like Hoogle but for offline use.
Andriy Drozdyuk
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7 answers

Work offline in Team Foundation Server

Is there a way to set "work offline" in TFS without having to try opening a solution, waiting for it to time out, and then having Visual Studio work out that it has failed? It seems a touch ridiculous that I can't just tick a box to tell it myself,…
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6 answers

Offline mode app in a (HTML5) browser possible?

Is it possible to build an application inside in browser? An application means: 1 Where there is connection (online mode) between the browser and an remote application server: the application runs in typical web-based mode the application stores…
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4 answers

How to synchronize two git repositories

I have two git repositories on different PCs. I have some local branches on every one of them. I don`t want to send this branches to remote server, just keep them local. How can I synchronize then without using a web? Can I just zip repository on…
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4 answers

How to synchronize HTML5 local/webStorage and server-side storage?

Possible Duplicate: Best way to synchronize local HTML5 DB (WebSQL Storage, SQLite) with a server (2 way sync) I'm currently seeking solutions for transparently and automatically synchronizing and replicating across the client-side HTML5…
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6 answers

Save Youtube video to iPhone in the app

Playing Youtube video in the app is easy and well documented around. There are two problems with that: after closing Youtube player, if user wants to play it again it has to wait for online streaming again can't play offline (load video at home to…
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7 answers

No cached version of available for offline mode

Error:No cached version of available for offline mode. Disable Gradle 'offline mode' and sync project I am facing this issue because I am working in offline mode in android studio. Can some body please tell…
5 answers

How to setup Git on local network?

I downloaded Git setup and trying to setup for computers in my network. I searched for the process but I found it for to host code on line on I found a few links but there is not the whole process. I am aware for how to push and pull.
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2 answers

Gradle Sync Failed Android Studio 3.6

I have just updated the Android Studio from 3.5.3 to 3.6. After this update, I have updated the Gradle and Android SDK Build Tools as well. Now the Gradle sync is failing with these errors: 1.…
5 answers

Force applicationCache to reload cached files

I'm using the HTML5 applicationCache to store many Javascript, CSS, image, etc. files for a page. If I update one of those files, the browser never reloads it. I have tried the following: Calling applicationCache.update() on page load Listening…
Ben Dilts
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3 answers

Copy git repository to offline machine and pushing/pulling via memory-stick

I need to work on an offline machine, where I cannot access my repository. Now I also don't want miss out on using Git altogether. Questions: What is the best way to copy my repository onto an offline machine via memory-stick? Is there a way to…
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1 answer

Spring Framework TEST RESTful Web Service (Controller) Offline i.e. No Server, No Database

I have a very simple RESTful Controller that consumes and produces JSON. I need to test this controller offline i.e. no server running, no database running. And I am going nuts for not being able to find a solution. My intial test cases will…
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1 answer

Locking model for IndexedDB?

How does IndexedDB handle multiple tabs each with asynchronous transactions in-flight? Do transactions lock all of the related object stores entirely? How can I guarantee that if one tab is working on a piece of data that another isn't doing the…
Ben Dilts
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2 answers

with svn, check the revision number when offline

I'm offline (well, to be exact my svn repository in unreachable right now), but I have a fully fledged working copy on which I am, well, working :-) Now I need to know the revision number of a file. How can I check the revision number of a…
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6 answers

HTML5 / JS - check that application is offline

I'm testing HTML5 offline application. To do that, I'm stopping my local web server (IIS) and open application. It's loaded fine, but it failed as soon as it request server side API method. I want to prevent that and instead of $.get('/api/method')…
Alexander Beletsky
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