Questions tagged [android-studio-3.6]

For questions related to the usage and features that are specific to version 3.6 of Android Studio - the official IDE targeted at Android development. When using this tag also include the more generic [android-studio] tag. Do NOT use this tag for questions about programming for Android in general; instead use the [android] tag.

67 questions
19 answers

Android Command line tools sdkmanager always shows: Warning: Could not create settings

I use the new Command line tools of android because the old sdk-tools repository of android isn't available anymore. So I changed my gitlab-ci to load the commandlintools. But when I try to run it I get the following error: Warning: Could not create…
10 answers

Cannot enable Gradle's offline mode on Android Studio 3.6

I'm using the new Android Studio 3.6 Canary 9 to test new functionalities, and I cannot enable Gradle's offline mode. In Android Studio Preferences window, tab Gradle, I cannot find the entry point to enable it. Is this a bug or Google has disabled…
5 answers

Android Drawable Importer plugin not working in Android Studio 3.6

I have updated my Android Studio to version 3.6 (Build #AI-192.7142.36.36.6200805). This issue is with the Android Drawable Importer plugin which is no longer working. I tried reinstalling it with no luck.
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4 answers

View Binding not work with "Include": incompatible types: ProgressBarLayoutBinding cannot be converted to ViewDataBinding

Android Studio 3.6. Canary 12 build.gradle: buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.50' ext.RETROFIT_VERSION = '2.6.0' repositories { google() jcenter() } dependencies { classpath…
2 answers

Cannot resolve symbol 'ResultProfileBinding'

Good day, I'm just upgrading my android studio to the latest version (3.6.1) and I'm just want to try the new features of version 3.6.1 which is the ViewBinding. I followed the setup instruction from this site…
Noryn Basaya
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2 answers

Gradle Sync Failed Android Studio 3.6

I have just updated the Android Studio from 3.5.3 to 3.6. After this update, I have updated the Gradle and Android SDK Build Tools as well. Now the Gradle sync is failing with these errors: 1.…
2 answers

Warning during App build on Android studio 3.6.1

I just updated Android studio 3.6.1 and while building my app I got following warning: Configure project :app WARNING: The following project options are deprecated and have been removed: android.enableUnitTestBinaryResources The raw resource…
11 answers

Data binding class not generated in latest studio 3.6

Today I have updated my android studio 3.5.3 to 3.6. Now, I am not able to generate any data binding class. Android studio it self generating data-binding-iml file. Does any one faced such issue? Gradle…
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1 answer

build.gradle: The option 'android.enableR8' is deprecated and should not be used anymore

I am new to flutter development. When I opened my android project in android studio then I got this warning and unable to understand exactly what to do? I have already read this but not clear to me. Please tell exactly what to do? (Keep in mind I am…
Abhishek Kumar
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1 answer

Android Studio 3.6 is constantly asking to install a shell script formatter

After installing Android Studio 3.6 it's constantly showing a balloon to install shell script formatter. A cropped screenshot is submitted: The question is "What is a shell script formatter and what does it do in Android Studio 3.6?". It was…
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2 answers

After update of Android Studio 3.6 & Gradle to 3.5.0 unable to run project

Everything was working smoothly but after update of Android Stdio 3.6 & Gradle to 3.5.0, Project is not building, Getting bellow errors FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task…
Amin Pinjari
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2 answers

Not able to git pull in android studio 3.6

I am getting error as mentioned below: Update failed Invocation failed Unexpected Response from Server: Unauthorized java.lang.RuntimeException: Invocation failed Unexpected Response from Server: …
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5 answers

How to find the R file in Android Studio 2020?

I've search on here how to do it but I found sources from 2015 and the layout of Android Studio has changed since then. Where is the R file in Android Studio.enter image description here
1 answer

Android studio 3.6.1 build issue

I have just updated android studio 3.6.1. after this update, I updated all plugins. Now Gradle syncing is failed. Please check the below errors. Caused by: org.gradle.tooling.BuildException: Failed to process…
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4 answers

Android SDK Tools option is missing from SDK Manager in Android Studio 3.6.1

On a freshly installed macOS Catalina, I installed Android Studio 3.6.1. I've got the following error when I ran flutter doctor in the course of setting up flutter SDK on my Mac. [!] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK…
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