Questions tagged [odoo]

Odoo is a suite of open-source business apps written in Python and released under the AGPL license. It is used by 3.7 million users worldwide to manage companies of all different sizes. The main Odoo components are the server, 270 core modules (also called official modules) and around 15000 community modules.

                     Odoo was formerly known as OpenERP

enter image description here

Odoo was known as OpenERP until May 2014. It was rebranded because version 8 of the software included apps such as a Website Builder, eCommerce, Point of Sale and Business Intelligence. The software conforms to standard expectations of ERP systems while providing additional modules beyond the coverage of traditional ERP systems.

There are two editions of Odoo (feature comparison):

  • Enterprise Edition (EE)
  • Community Edition (CE)

with multiple ways to setup:

  • online (SaaS)
  • packaged installers
  • source Install
  • Docker

Odoo S.A. provides a website referencing the officially supported modules as well as community modules. Community modules can be referenced for free as long as they respect the open source license of Odoo. As of March 2018, the number of Odoo apps reached more than 15000.

Module development mainly relies upon editing and files or using Odoo Studio (EE only). Some application logic (i.e. workflows and data structure) can be changed through the client interface using a developer mode.

The official Odoo apps are organized into 4 groups:

  • Website: Website Builder, eCommerce, Blogs, Forums, Slides
  • Sales Management: CRM, Point of Sale, Quotation Builder, Subscriptions, Invoicing, Easy Signature
  • Business Operations: Accounting, Project Management, Human Resources (Recruitment, Employee Management, Expense Management, Appraisal, Fleet Management, Leaves Management), Inventory, Purchase, Manufacturing (MRP, PLM, Maintenance, Quality Management)
  • Productivity Tools: Communication (Discuss, Mailing Lists, Notes, Helpdesk, Appointment), Timesheet, Email Marketing, Events, Survey, Live Chat The software is actively programmed, supported, and organized by Odoo S.A.

Odoo is similar to many open source projects where customized programming, support, and other services are also provided by an active global community and a network of 1000 official partners.

Internal Links:

5702 questions
17 answers

ImportError: No module named psycopg2

When installing process of OpenERP 6, I want to generate a config file with this command, cd /home/openerp/openerp-server/bin/ ./ -s --stop-after-init -c /home/openerp/openerp-server.cfg But it was always showed a message…
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5 answers

dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 3; 2 is required

I want to add lines to the object through other object But I get following error: "dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 3; 2 is required" Here is my code: def action_account_line_create(self, cr, uid,…
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9 answers

No usable temporary directory found

I am trying to find a temp directory , but when i am trying to get the directory using tempfile.gettempdir() it's giving me error of File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 254, in gettempdir tempdir = _get_default_tempdir() File…
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3 answers

What is Main difference between @api.onchange and @api.depends in Odoo(openerp)?

In Odoo v8 there are many API decorators used. But i don't understand the main difference between @api.depends and @api.onchange. Can anyone help me out from this one? Thank You.
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4 answers

insert into many2many odoo (former openerp)

I'm trying to insert values into a many2many or one2manhy relation table in odoo (former OpenERP). Do you have any idea how to do this?
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7 answers

PostgreSQL won't start: "server.key" has group or world access

Whenerver I start PostgreSQL using command: $ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql start Pg doesn't start up. The error reported is: * Starting PostgreSQL 8.4 database server * The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log…
Atul Arvind
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17 answers

Odoo - scaffolding?

I read here that you can scaffold a module using a command, so you won't need to manually create some initial files. But such command does not work on master (on Odoo development branch): ./oe scaffold Academy ../my-modules Because there is no such…
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2 answers

OpenERP font-family: 'Free 3 of 9' for barcode is not working in report webkit

I have a problem with WebKit report .mako file. when I use: % for o in objects:


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1 answer

Trigger Odoo fields_view_get dynamically after all records being loaded and fields_view_get function called

I’d like to trigger the fields_view_get function dynamically after doing some functions. I override the function fields_view_get and return my results. This gets affected on XML view only at first time the actual function called. So I need to…
Hilar AK
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1 answer

How can I enable the sync option by default when false in app?

I use odoo mobile framework. How can I enable the sync option on app startup? (The option is disabled by default.)
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5 answers

Odoo Migrations

I have some modules which expand add-ons of Odoo. For example, models in my_module which expand crm: class Lead(models.Model): _inherit = 'crm.lead' # exmaple fields field_1 = fields.Char(...) field_2 = fields.Many2one(...) # ...…
Danila Ganchar
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4 answers

Filling Many2many field (odoo 8)

What I've done: I have a module with myfield = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string="Graduate", domain=[('is_graduated', '=', True)]) Then I have another class with _inherit = 'res.partner' is_graduated = fields.Boolean("Graduated before?",…
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2 answers

How Odoo Stores Session?

How Odoo store the login session when user logged in. I have searched many link but didn't get any satisfied answer. can anyone explain session in odoo.
5 answers init.d script not working on start container

I've a container with odoo on it on the dir "/opt/odoo/". A init script on "/etc/init.d/odoo-server" #!/bin/bash ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: odoo # Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog # Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog #…
Mariano DAngelo
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1 answer

Detect when odoo interface is fully loaded

I need to run some javascript code to check when odoo has ended loading. I know that querying == 0 does the trick in version 7 but that does not work in odoo because it always keep one connection open for the longpolling. Does anybody…
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