Questions tagged [openerp-8]

OpenERP is an open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP) software actively programmed, supported, and organized by OpenERP S.A. OpenERP is an open source alternative to SAP ERP, Oracle E-Business Suite, Microsoft Dynamics, Netsuite, Adempiere, Compiere, OFBiz, Openbravo, and other enterprise resource planning software.

OpenERP 8.0 is the upcoming release version. In this version some modifications are in the database table, base class, and it adds some new modules. So OpenERP 8.0 related question/answer welcome.

Web application architecture:

The most recent versions of OpenERP (including version 7) are mostly implemented as a web application. OpenERP includes an application server/web server (known as the OpenERP Server) that focuses on ERP business logic, stores data through an interface with a database, and a web client for web browser access. The server and business logic portion of OpenERP is primarily written in the Python programming language. The web client is primarily written in JavaScript.


Business features are organized into modules. A module is a folder with a predefined structure containing Python code and XML files. A module defines data structure, forms, reports, menus, procedures, work-flows, etc. Modules can also contain web components written in JavaScript.


OpenERP uses PostgreSQL as database management system.

OpenERP applications:

OpenERP S.A. provides a web site referencing the officially supported modules as well as contribution modules. Contribution modules can be referenced for free as long as they respect some submission rules. As of November 2012, the number of OpenERP applications reached more than 2500.

Development environment:

Module development mainly relies around editable Python and XML files.

469 questions
3 answers

What is Main difference between @api.onchange and @api.depends in Odoo(openerp)?

In Odoo v8 there are many API decorators used. But i don't understand the main difference between @api.depends and @api.onchange. Can anyone help me out from this one? Thank You.
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5 answers

How to make field readonly based on group and status?

I want to make field readony based on group, and status. Like i have two grops 1. Manager Group 2. User Group If I give User Group to any user then and Status Done then field will be readonly for this user. Hope I able to make it clear to…
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4 answers

How do you run OpenERP yaml unit tests

I'm trying to run unit tests on my openERP module, but no matter what I write it doesnt show if the test passes or fails! Anyone know how to output the results of a test? (Using Windows OpenERP version 6.1) My YAML test is: - I test the tests - …
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When to use and api.multi in odoo | openerp?

Recently odoo (formerly OpenERP) V8 has been released. In new API method decorators are introduced. in methods needs to be decorated with or @api.multi. Referring odoo documentation i can not determine the exact use. Can anybody…
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5 answers

Template inheritance in odoo

I want to create a new theme for odoo. I have done it by create a new module and install it. I see in this document here which said that odoo support template inheritance by using t-extend keyword. However I can't make it. This is my customized…
Minh-Hung Nguyen
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2 answers

binary field download link use in treeview or listview inside one2many field in Odoo

I'm using Odoo 8 version. I have created a new model called enquiry_customer_date In that model, I have set following four fields. partner_id (many2one), enquiry_date (date), file_name (char) and excel_file (binary) I have given mention model…
Bhavesh Odedra
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1 answer

How do I update other fields or another models from inside compute function?

There are 3 classes, sync.test.subject.a which has many2many relation with sync.test.subject.b which is inherited by sync.test.subject.c. sync.test.subject.b's separated_chars field is populated through a compute function called…
William Wino
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3 answers

How to create the Window Setup for Odoo 8.0?

I have created so many custom module in ODOO 8.0 adones and I want to create the ODOO Setup file for that for Window installation then Which kind of steps I want to follow or does it need to require for separate software that make my Window setup…
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2 answers

How to extract data from SQL query and assign it to Odoo class columns?

I have been trying to extract data from a .mdb database and get it into Odoo 8 class columns. This is my .py file class attendance_biometric(osv.Model): _name="attendance.biometric" _rec_name='name' _columns={ …
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2 answers

Add callback to DOM element created in subclass of web.list.Column

I am trying to modify the web_tree_image widget. Instead of just showing a small image in the column, I would like a larger image to appear when hovering or clicking. In order to achieve this, I am trying to add a callback after the widget is…
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3 answers

Creating New Groups in Odoo

I have created a new Groups which is a Personnel Group, But in the View Metadata the new Group I've created has no XML ID, where can I find the XML ID or add the XML ID of the new groups even in the external ID menu I cannot find the ID.
Black and White
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2 answers

Pop up the window of exsiting view through click event in odoo

I have created a button in jobs by using inheritance in (hr.recruitment form view) , how could I open another module("Resumes and Letters -sub menu in Human Resource " ) form_view during buttons click event is aim is that I just want open…
PKS ks
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1 answer

Difference between _sql_constraints and _constraints on OpenERP/Odoo?

I noticed there are 2 kinds of constraints on Odoo ERP. But I want to know what is the difference between _sql_constraints vs _constraints? _sql_constraints = { ('email_uniq', 'unique(email)', ' Please enter Unique Email…
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2 answers

Why isn't Odoo picking up my module?

I’ve added a module directory to /home/deploy/host-addons. Starting up Odoo definitely knows about it: 2014-09-08 10:50:08,533 5198 INFO ? openerp: addons paths:['/home/deploy/odoo/local/data/addons/8.0', …
Kit Sunde
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3 answers

overriding write() method in odoo 8 results in RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

This seems to be a significant simple problem, but somehow I cant find a solution. As I press the save button the write method will be executed. I want to change a value (or call a function) of the current model every time the write method is…
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