Questions tagged [odoo-view]

All data’s of the odoo programs are stored as objects. Views are defined to expose these objects to the user. Odoo uses dynamic user interface, which means it is not statically built by some codes, it is dynamically built from XML descriptions. And these screen descriptions are called views.

Odoo Views

Odoo is an enterprise resource management software that is applicable to all kind of business domains. This is simply amazing because it covers all business requirements such as sale, purchase, billing, accounting, manufacturing, warehouse, project management etc… in a single software. Also, they are integrated to each other.

All data’s of the odoo programs are stored as objects. Views are defined to expose these objects to the user. Odoo uses dynamic user interface, which means it is not statically built by some codes, it is dynamically built from XML descriptions. And these screen descriptions are called views.

In Odoo, views define the way by which the models/objects displayed to user-end. Views are of several types, each view represents a mode of visualization. They make the modules more user-friendly and can vary according to the need. In Odoo we use several types of views such as tree, form, search, calendar, graph, pivot, Kanab etc. As the name suggests each kind of views are different, ‘tree’ view provides the list view of objects, ‘Form’ view displays a single object, ‘Search’ view helps to filter the objects etc..


286 questions
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Trigger Odoo fields_view_get dynamically after all records being loaded and fields_view_get function called

I’d like to trigger the fields_view_get function dynamically after doing some functions. I override the function fields_view_get and return my results. This gets affected on XML view only at first time the actual function called. So I need to…
Hilar AK
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How to add css files to a custom module in Odoo?

How can I add css files to my custom module to change xml views? I found this post but the solution is not working. I want modify all the elements from my module, such as forms, lists, inputs, etc.
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Odoo: Conditional invisible attribute on fields only works in one direction?

I'm trying to make a field invisible on condition in an Odoo form view. When "Can be sold" is checked ==> "Product Manager" should be invisible: I tried using the attribute "invisible" with a domain in the inherited view of the products…
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How to adjust column widths in tree views in Odoo 10?

I wanted to change the column width of the columns in tree view. So far I have tried these solutions Adding in the field tag: width="100px" or width="15%%" Adding in the field tag: style="width: 100px" But Nothing seems to work for me.
Vaibhav Bhavsar
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I got this "LINE 1: ...partner"."picking_warn_msg" as "picking_warn_msg","res_partn..." error while inherit res.partner

my .py file is class Suppiler(models.Model): _inherit = "res.partner" author= fields.Boolean(string='Author') and xml file is
2 answers

Odoo 9 how to append custom view template into existing views?

I'd like to append a template in between KanbanView.buttons and KanbanView.Group to show description field in "project.project" model when I view "project.task" kanban view. I guess there should be somewhere to append those templates into kanban…
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Odoo - Extend search view

Is it possible to extend search view and add more than one search boxes or check boxes for user’s convenience? Right now there is only one search box and some time user doesn't want to click on the search box and then type and then filter or select…
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How to remove label from group tag in Odoo 11 in views

I want to show only the photo without the label which show the word Image and the line as showing in the photo i use group tag to make the screen two sides and i want only the photo in the left side without the label of it which is appear by…
1 answer

Odoo - Change specific column color in one2many tree view

I am using odoo 10. I have a customer view and in that customer form view i am also showing all order that are associated with that specific customer in one2many tree view (editable). What i want to do is i want to show a button in one2many tree…
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How to generate a report in excel (xls, xlsx) format on ODOO?

In purchase module, I want to generate the details which is being printed in the purchase order button as a pdf report. My requirement is how to print the report in excel format in odoo 10?
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3 answers

How to add an external jQuery plugin to the list view on Odoo?

I am using Odoo 10e. I want to integrate a jquery plugin into my module. I want to integrate the jQuery plugin jquery-resizable-columns. It simple helps user to resize columns of table on the fly and I want to apply this on a specific model's list…
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Client Action in Odoo

In Odoo/openerp docs and it says 'client actions' are entirely implemented client side that's it. they do not provide any example detailed documentation about it for Odoo v10. Does anybody have precise idea of how to implement client action and full…
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Odoo 10 Dashboard Module icon issue

I am using Odoo 10e on my server. I am facing issue for image icon for app the modules. Is there any suggestion to resolve it ?
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Odoo 9 How to sort order for a field in form view

I've been trying to modify project issue object. and When I click Assign to field, It shows a list of users with dropdown. But I'd like to change its order to DESC. Is there any thing I can do in View? here is my code below
Eric Lee
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Odoo 10.0 change POS Logo

I'm already able to to change the General Odoo logo by activating the Developer Mode. And Click on the logo it self and "Edit Company Data", choose the logo. But this is not work on POS. The logo's still the default Odoo Logo. How to change it ?…
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