Questions tagged [odoo]

Odoo is a suite of open-source business apps written in Python and released under the AGPL license. It is used by 3.7 million users worldwide to manage companies of all different sizes. The main Odoo components are the server, 270 core modules (also called official modules) and around 15000 community modules.

                     Odoo was formerly known as OpenERP

enter image description here

Odoo was known as OpenERP until May 2014. It was rebranded because version 8 of the software included apps such as a Website Builder, eCommerce, Point of Sale and Business Intelligence. The software conforms to standard expectations of ERP systems while providing additional modules beyond the coverage of traditional ERP systems.

There are two editions of Odoo (feature comparison):

  • Enterprise Edition (EE)
  • Community Edition (CE)

with multiple ways to setup:

  • online (SaaS)
  • packaged installers
  • source Install
  • Docker

Odoo S.A. provides a website referencing the officially supported modules as well as community modules. Community modules can be referenced for free as long as they respect the open source license of Odoo. As of March 2018, the number of Odoo apps reached more than 15000.

Module development mainly relies upon editing and files or using Odoo Studio (EE only). Some application logic (i.e. workflows and data structure) can be changed through the client interface using a developer mode.

The official Odoo apps are organized into 4 groups:

  • Website: Website Builder, eCommerce, Blogs, Forums, Slides
  • Sales Management: CRM, Point of Sale, Quotation Builder, Subscriptions, Invoicing, Easy Signature
  • Business Operations: Accounting, Project Management, Human Resources (Recruitment, Employee Management, Expense Management, Appraisal, Fleet Management, Leaves Management), Inventory, Purchase, Manufacturing (MRP, PLM, Maintenance, Quality Management)
  • Productivity Tools: Communication (Discuss, Mailing Lists, Notes, Helpdesk, Appointment), Timesheet, Email Marketing, Events, Survey, Live Chat The software is actively programmed, supported, and organized by Odoo S.A.

Odoo is similar to many open source projects where customized programming, support, and other services are also provided by an active global community and a network of 1000 official partners.

Internal Links:

5702 questions
1 answer

How do I solve psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column reference "account_analytic_id" is ambiguous in odoo

I am trying to move a module from odoo 8 to odoo 12 and I get this error when trying to install an odoo 8 module in an odoo 12 environment. psycopg2.ProgrammingError: column reference "account_analytic_id" is ambiguous LINE 18: ..., sub.product_id,…
  • 193
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2 answers

Copy standard Odoo module to new custom module

Is there a straight forward process to copy a module to a new module name with its own dependencies? In my example I need to create a module very similar to the EVENTS module, but I also need the EVENTS module in its original form. I figure the…
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1 answer

Traceback (most recent call last) Odoo V-8 custom module

I am new to the Odoo development and i am currently trying to the learn the basics and came across a problem. I am working on the Odoo Version 8. I am trying to install a diet facts module and i get the same error every time, i have tried switching…
Sanjay G.
  • 31
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2 answers

ERROR: Double requirement given: Pillow==6.1.0 (from -r requirements.txt (line 25))

I am using source code on Windows 10, Python version Python 3.8.0 (tags/v3.8.0:fa919fd, Oct 14 2019, 19:21:23) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 I catch…
Do Nhu Vy
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0 answers

Show condition button in email template odoo 12

I override the survey template. And I added the condition to show button according to if and else condition. This condition based on one selection field in survey management. But when I try to send email it shows me error following error "The…
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1 answer

Need to print Five sequence number for one sale.order other than ir.sequence

I have writen code to print five sequence number for 1 sale order but it affect last sale order number , it was jumping 5 order numbers I have to print 5 sequence number for 1 sale order without ir sequence ticket = fields.Char(string="Ticket",…
Hari Prasanth
  • 56
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1 answer

[Odoo][v10] IndexError in cron in formview everything is ok

I have two that same methods, one working in form view for record and second is for cron. When i run action in Form view everything is OK, i can get value : self.deadline = deadlines[0][0] but when i run in cron: emp.debug = deadlines[0][0] i…
  • 171
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1 answer

How to secure Odoo default Administrator account?

The issue described below is experienced on Odoo 12 CE. The default Administrator, who is created upon DB creation is of type Administrator/Settings. For simplicity we name it User1. User1 creates User2. User1 gives Administrator/Access Rights to…
2 answers

odoo 12 - Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of undefined

I've been having this error for 3 days. Help me please. I've also installed libsass. Before this odoo was working perfectly but I have been having this problem for a few days now. I have uninstalled and installed odoo several times.…
1 answer

How to current portal user group odoo 12

I want to check some conditions on the current login portal user group. I am in the 'group_company_survey_client' group but still, it shows me False value for print the below code. @http.route(['/survey', '/survey/page/'], type='http',…
  • 1,092
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0 answers

Scanning barcode containing space in Odoo POS causes issue

Scan any product barcode in Odoo POS. Set quantity for the product as 3. Scan another product barcode which contains space inside barcode. (Scan the barcode "HB 5732" ,for instance, with a space between B and 5). On scanning the barcode, the…
1 answer

How to create Customer programmatically?

I am using Odoo 13 and trying to create customer programmatically with the help of res.partner but unable to create customer. Contact is creating but as a individual not as a customer. But in Odoo 12 there is a binary field customer which…
Adam Strauss
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1 answer

How to Add Followers Into The Recipient Field of an Email in Odoo?

I'm currently using Odoo 12.0+e-20181025 and I'm trying to add the followers of each ticket made in helpdesk into an automated email whenever it has been changed (not only in stage). So far I've tried some codes and managed to put the followers'…
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0 answers

How to Edit the Template for the Odoo Helpdesk Ticket Assigned Message

I'm currently using Odoo 12.0+e-20181025. I'm trying to edit the message the user get whenever a ticket is assigned to them. I've tried searching the email template, but I can't find it. I've also tried searching in the main folder, but I still…
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1 answer

search products in multicompany mode Odoo

Impacted versions: Odoo 10 CE with multi company Description : I'm trying to add random alphanumeric value to default_code of products it works fine in a single company Odoo but not in a multi-company instance here's my functions that i'm calling…
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