Questions tagged [odoo-mobile]

Odoo Mobile framework: An open source mobile application development framework with Odoo integration. With the help of mobile framework developer can rapidly develop almost all Odoo supported application as faster as we can develop in Odoo. This framework contains its own ORM to handle mobile’s local database (SQLite). So you do not have to worry data coming from Odoo.

Odoo Mobile is open-source framework allows you to integrate Odoo into your Android app.

Odoo is a powerful open source framework. With help of this framework we can rapidly develop almost any application.

With the help of mobile framework developer can rapidly develop almost all Odoo supported application as faster as we can develop in Odoo. This framework contains its own ORM to handle mobile’s local database (SQLite). So you do not have to worry data coming from Odoo.


24 questions
1 answer

How can I enable the sync option by default when false in app?

I use odoo mobile framework. How can I enable the sync option on app startup? (The option is disabled by default.)
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2 answers

Running Odoo (OpenERP) Server on Android

I'm developing Odoo (formerly OpenERP) modules on Ubuntu right now. Because of my mobility, I decide to use Android devices to continue my works anywhere so I won't depend on my PC. Is it possible to run Odoo server on Android? As you know…
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1 answer

Contacts Sync in my Application

I want to sync contacts from OpenERP server. I have followed all the links. My account is also added but my contacts are not added under my account. Group is also created of my account but there are no contacts in that account. I have followed all…
SweetWisher ツ
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3 answers

Is there anyone integratted ODOO with Android?

I am currently developing an android application for a client who is insisting to use Odoo for API.I don't have any single idea about it I am not getting it any even after referring this link.They provide a URL, Database name, username, and…
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1 answer

listview malfunctioning with v1 of Mobile framework odoo for Android

In the list view there is textview, button and edittext in the single list item. And all the items are getting generated dynamically sometimes 3 sometimes 7 sometimes 14 ... If I put values in those edittext ... I am able to et values of 6 or less…
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1 answer

Odoo mobile framework - BaseModel

I am currently building an app using Odoo mobile framework. When I look for the BaseModels java class under the base.addons in my project structure, I can't find the class just like what the example shown. Do I need to add BaseModels class? Thanks.
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0 answers

Function declared as capable of handling request of type 'json' but called with a request of type 'http'

I had tried an Ionic v4 angular and tried to communicate with odoo v10. So i had used an advanced http plugin. and make a request to server like this. this.http .post( "", { …
0 answers

How to push notification to mobile (Android)

I have a question about Push Notification,from odoo to android i want something like this I am searching for information about custom push notification. I want to implement a tunnel between…
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2 answers

insert into one To many and many To one fields

I am using android odoo-mobile framework and this is how i am inserting a record online with the help of createRecord() now I want to insert record in manyTomany and oneTomany field in odoo database.I dont know how to insert it online.please help…
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2 answers

python - Database fetch misses ids (u'1') and has extra ids (1), may be caused by a type incoherence in a previous request

I am making an android application on crm module of odoo 10 and I want to create quotation in odoo through my application and I am passing this various arguments to ORecordValues and after that I am calling the createRecord().So when I am clicking…
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Customers list are not visible in odoo mobile crm application

In web application I have added the customers and I am fetching the res.partner model but i am not able to see the customers in mobile app.I have sync the customers but it is not visible.It shows no customers found.Where is the issue.If I will…
0 answers

Connect to Custom odoo Controller in android

I'm develop my own Odoo module to save many images at time in the server's file system instead of save as base64 images on the Database. Have a Controller wich recives images and deliver the image's filesystem path in json string's array. Why can…
1 answer

OColumn with odoo functional in Odoo Mobile Framework not working

I have this OColumn partner_name = new OColumn("Partner", OVarchar.class).setLocalColumn(); in my sale order model class with odoo functional method that depends on partner_id column. I would like to search the partner_name in my list using that…
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1 answer

Missing parenthesis when dialing telephone number in android

I'm trying to use intent to pass a number in dialer but when I tried using telephone numbers, there we're no parenthesis shown for example I have the ff. number (828) 316-0593 and will show as 8283160593, it seems parenthesis and dashes are being…
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How to generate QR code that stores multiple values

I wanted to generate a QR code that contains JSON data, I found this as an example. This question suggested to use Gson but my project uses Odoo mobile framework and it has an existing Gson in the directory and tried to implement it but it would…
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