Questions tagged [google-api-console]

The Google APIs Console is a web interface for managing and viewing traffic data, authentication, and billing information for the Google APIs that are used by a project.

The Google APIs Console is a web interface for managing and viewing traffic data, authentication, and billing information for the that are used by a project.

98 questions
10 answers

How to delete Project from Google Developers Console

Seems like Google services are increasingly harder to manage. Now i want to delete a project ID that was previously created in another test account. Assuming that I could recreate it in another account. The main reason for this is that the Google+…
10 answers

Android GCM SENDER_ID, how to get it?

I try to migrate to GCM and I have an issue with the SENDER_ID I need to provide. I use the demo project from google. In this project I need, if I understand this well, to provide a SENDER_ID to the application in the file. The…
Zelter Ady
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3 answers

How to share the Google APIs Console with other developers

I have hired a developer to host Wordpress site on the Google Cloud and App Engine. He is asking me to provide my password of Gmail account so that he can host it for, but I don't want to provide my password to access Google APIs console. Is there…
Shajeel Afzal
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2 answers

Google Developers Console project creation quota

I have created a total of 30 projects in the Google Developers Console, including 23 between 12/23 and 12/27. Most recently, 3 projects were created on 12/27. When I tried to create a 4th project on 12/27, I got the message You have exceeded the…
3 answers

How to add or change return uri in google console for oAuth2

I want to use google oAuth from my webservice i have created new oAuth key but when I use it i get Error: redirect_uri_mismatch The redirect URI in the request: did not match a registered redirect URI Now, where to find the…
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0 answers

Google Developer Console project creation limit

I'm just trying to establish what the limitation is on creating new Projects within the current Google Developer Console. We've hit a vague quota limit message at 28 Projects. We've had discussions previously about whether we need to.. our apps use…
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3 answers

Exception: Quota Error: User Rate Limit Exceeded

I have a Apps Script where I Loop trough my Google Analytics Account till I get to a certain Profile. if (profileItems[i].getName() == "Dev Test" ) Than in another function (see bellow) I make the call to the Google Analytics API and always get…
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0 answers

How to restore a deleted google console project

Twenty days ago I deleted a Google Developer Console project. However I forgot that it's was / linked to an android application for GCM notification. I can't even see the deleted projects from my console. I have about 1M users registered and I…
3 answers

This client ID is globally unique and is already in use

I have created Android client id for expense.loremipsum.tracker for my app. Actually I have created 2 id, one for by Eclipse keystore and one is for my signed key store. My application is live so I can not change package. I have tried by deleting…
Bhavesh Hirpara
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0 answers

Projects quota for Google Developers Console

When I try to add new projects to my developer console, I get this message: You have exceeded the quota for project creations per day. I have a similar error when accepting a new project invitation: You have no more apps available to accept this…
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1 answer

Programmatic access to Google API Console's functionality

I would like to configure the Google API services programmatically instead of having to go through the API Console. For example, I would like to be able to the following types of things programmatically: Create OAuth and API Key credentials; this…
4 answers

google api console removed my registered apps

Few months ago i registered two android apps in Google developer console for using Google map android API version 2. Today when i signed in to register another app i noticed that Google API console doesn't show my previous registered apps(in API…
1 answer

The fingerprint you specified is already used by an Android OAuth2 client ID in this project or another project

I noticed my SHA1 number showing from the gradle view signing report in android studio was different from the one I had originally. I thought maybe it was from changing computers a year ago. My game app was still able to access leaderboards and…
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2 answers

Google API Console - Reuse deleted project ID

I have accidentally deleted my project at Google API Console and when I try to recreate it, It doesn't give me it's previous ID and attaches unwanted numbers at the end of it. Is there any way to get that ID back?
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2 answers

Google Cloud Console - This client ID is globally unique and is already in use

I have a very frustrating problem! We created a project on google cloud console and generated an android client id using our package-name and sha-1 but then we had to delete this project because it was created using a personal gmail account and we…
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