I want to use google oAuth from my webservice i have created new oAuth key but when I use it i get

Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request: www.blabla.com
did not match a registered redirect URI

Now, where to find the registered redirect URI to change it, or where can I add another one. Under "API Access" menu of the console I can only "Edit brand information", "Create Another Client ID" and "Edit allowed domains", but I don't have permissions to add one.

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3 Answers3


My problem was that I have created an Client ID for "Service account". And didn't even tried the wizard for "Web application". Because my controller was making a web request the Web Application option is the right one. Silly me.

Under the Web Application Client ID settings you can adjust the return uri, and Service Account settings don't have that option.

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It is not immediately apparent as to where to do this in my opinion, so here are some useful screenshots.

1) Navigate to the Credentials screen... something like "https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials...."

2) Click on your 'Oauth 2 client I.D.' link.. in this case it is "Web client 1"

2) At the bottom of the screen you can add your site url like - "http://localhost:[some number]/signin-google" and save.

Jamie M.
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There's an 'Edit settings' to the right of your client ID. Click it and there will be a popup allowing you to edit authorized redirect URIs.

Chao Wei
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