Questions tagged [google-api-console]

The Google APIs Console is a web interface for managing and viewing traffic data, authentication, and billing information for the Google APIs that are used by a project.

The Google APIs Console is a web interface for managing and viewing traffic data, authentication, and billing information for the that are used by a project.

98 questions
2 answers

Can't connect to Google Maps Api Android V2

I created a small Android Map project and everything went fine until I move with my workspace to another computer. The google map is not visible and the logcat output has the following line: 07-24 16:15:24.261: E/Google Maps Android API(21868):…
1 answer

How to add a Google Apps Script web app as a client in Google API console

I have an app that consists of two parts an installed application (more specifically: a browser add-on) that runs on the user's machine, and a web app implemented as a stand-alone Google Apps Script app using HtmlService. The two parts talk to…
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API Console for Maps For Businesses

Is there a way to use the API Console instead of the Enterprise portal of Google Maps for Business to check my quotas and billable limits? I created a project with the same account i use to enter the enterprise portal but im not sure they are both…
1 answer

Which one is better to use: Google APIs Client Library for PHP (OR) Online OAuth 2.0 for Login directly?

I am currently trying to implement Google's OAuth 2.0 for Login in my PHP application : so far I have been able to achieve ** this **. I have registered the application on Google API Console and got the necessary parameters to be used for the OAuth…
1 answer

API for google apis console?

Is there any way how to access with any kind of api? I need to access it with python and add subdomains to oauth2 callbacks dynamically, thanks.
Visgean Skeloru
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How to automatically configure HTTP referrers in Google API console for web hosting for firebase preview channel hosting?

Whenever I deploy a website in Firebase hosting, first I run them in firebase preview channel with the preview channel name as alpha The command for deploying to preview channel is firebase hosting:channel:deploy alpha The issue with this is that…
0 answers

I want to use google place API in android app

For google api console can I use the google api console android api are they free and can I use the google api console if I don't have any bill information in it? Or do I need cc to use the google api? Sorry I bit new to this? I hope someone can…
0 answers

How do I view error details in Google API Console?

This is probably the stupidest question, but I cannot find any answer in Google's own docs: Question: Is there a way to view detailed error reports in Google's API console? Details: I am using the Google Drive API to view and create files, and in…
0 answers

Why am i getting instead of numbers/strs

Working with search console api, made it through the basics. Now i'm stuck on splitting and arranging the data: When trying to split, i'm getting a NaN, nothing i try works. 46 ((174.0, 3753.0, 0.04636290967226219, 7.816147... 47 ((93.0,…
1 answer

403: Quota Error: User Rate Limit Exceeded witht Batch Request

I'm getting the error code "403: Quota Error: User Rate Limit Exceeded" with batch requests to the Google Analytics Management API (v3) pointing to management views (profiles): patch. I'm aware of quota limits from the docs, which suggest that I hit…
0 answers

Google Service Account: androidpublisher Insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation

I know this question has been asked for several times here but none of the solution worked for me. Following are the steps I followed to create a service account: Logged in to Google Play Console account. Then navigated to Settings > API Access…
2 answers

How to restrict a Google API key to a single service?

I've made a project in Google API Console. The project uses 2 services: YouTube Data API and Google Maps JavaScript API. The first service is server-to-server so an API key is not exposed. The second service is client-to-server so an API key is…
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How to bulk update "Authorized JavaScript Origins" in Google API Console?

Currently, I have been tasked to utilize the Google People API to ask for a user's basic Google information along with their public phone numbers. So far the results have been positive. The solution my team and I have incorporated the Google People…
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OAuth2.0 credential already exists in some project, can't change packageId or keystore

I work in a android gaming company. I am trying to integrate one of our apps with Google Play Game Services. I created the game in Google Play Developer Console and enabled the Game Services API through Google API Console of the app. Both the app…
1 answer

should i fill browser key and android key both?

I Have coded an app finds nearby places. now i want to test it on a real phone but Google map does not load and app not working. my question is I've made sha1 key and put in android key in API console. do i have to do the same for browser key?
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