Questions tagged [google-api-console]

The Google APIs Console is a web interface for managing and viewing traffic data, authentication, and billing information for the Google APIs that are used by a project.

The Google APIs Console is a web interface for managing and viewing traffic data, authentication, and billing information for the that are used by a project.

98 questions
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Yii2 authclient Error: redirect_uri_mismatch

I am implementing yii2 authclient, I created the client id in in google api console this is the redirect url I created in gogle console with the corresponding client id. when I access my site login this is…
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3 answers

Google map not loading on normal devices but loads on test device(real device)

I have a google map in my android application, i have got the api key in my app from Google api console and it sucessfully loads the map in my test device and to those device with whom i shared the apk file, but after i have published the app on…
0 answers

Google APIs Console: Error Creating OAuth 2.0 Client ID not sufficient permissions

I am trying to use the Google APIs Console to create an OAuth 2.0 for Login and create Client ID as a Web application. I've already created several Client ID's , but after ~60 entries i cannot create a Client ID any more. I get the following error…
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Cannot "Add Member" to a project on Google Developers Console using Google App Account

I wanted to add team members to the project that I added and I followed the steps from this help page. But when I go to…
3 answers

Using other account when uploading signed apk in google play store

Their is no bug with regard to the maps. I already signed the apk with release keystore , the API Keys are registered in my account It perfectly works in any devices. What's the problem is when it is uploaded with the client account in google play…
1 answer

Newly created Oauth Client IDs don't work

I created a new appengine project, which creates a default web app and associated client ID. When I try to use this client ID, I get "invalid client ID".
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Android Google map API v2 suddenly stopped working in my app that was in the Play store

My app is in the Play store and was working fine when suddenly the Google map in the app stopped working. Its gets and error: 09-29 10:27:33.019: E/Google Maps Android API(20025): Failed to load map. Error contacting Google servers. This is…
2 answers

Like video with access token on YouTube using YouTube Data API v3?

I want to like video of YouTube. I have acquired AUTH_TOKEN using AccountManager using the following am.getAuthToken(mAccount, AUTH_TOKEN_TYPE, null, this, new AccountManagerCallback() { public void run(AccountManagerFuture
1 answer

Generate Places Api key Without having WebSite

I am creating one small application in android and learning everything. In my application i am going to use google places api for that i must have to generate my api key. And as we know it requires organization name and website url. I can provide…
2 answers

Google App Engine - Google APIs Console - Google Cloud Console

I wanted to ask what the difference between Google App Engine, Google APIs Console and Google Cloud Console is? I will deploy a Project which will fetch some Websites and provide the data to my Android Application. What is the best to use? I do not…
1 answer

How do I get collaborator access to the Google Glass API?

A Glass explorer has given me owner access to a Appengine project which he enabled the Google Mirror API on (we both have owner access). However, when I view the project in my user console it tells me no APIs are enabled and the API does not appear…
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API Console data corrupted. Cannot recreate Client ID for a particular package and production key

API Console data seems to be corrupted for my account. I cannot recreate the Client ID for package and my production key. The error I am getting is "This client ID is globally unique and is already in use", although no Client ID…
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What does the error "Unable to load metadata for game" means in Google Play Game Service?

A couple of days ago Google announced the Google Play Game Services. Very cool of course, so I started integrating into my game. I think I did every step correctly to be able to sign in with your Google+ account, but it's not working. The developer…
Peter Fortuin
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Is there a way to get 'HTTP Referrer' restriction working with Google API (via PHP)?

I am using the Google API Console and would like to restrict based on website (HTTP) referrer instead of IP, as the IP could change eg with hosting change. The IP restriction works fine, but when I switch to website restriction and add my website…
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Google Calendar API use Google Pub/Sub instead of HTTP Push notifications

The current method seems to require opening up to the public a URL from which to receive a push notification: Other Google technologies, like gmail…