Questions tagged [google-api-console]

The Google APIs Console is a web interface for managing and viewing traffic data, authentication, and billing information for the Google APIs that are used by a project.

The Google APIs Console is a web interface for managing and viewing traffic data, authentication, and billing information for the that are used by a project.

98 questions
2 answers

App Engine and Google Game Services clientId collision

I am going to try to make this question more concise and understandable than my original post. I have an android app where I want to use Google Game Services to record achievements and leader board information and App Engine to store user data and…
0 answers

Accessing Google Cloud Store from Google App Engine

I am trying to access Google Cloud Storage from my Google App Engine Java App: GcsService gcsService = GcsServiceFactory.createGcsService(RetryParams.getDefaultInstance()); GcsFilename writableFilename = new GcsFilename(Constants.CONTENT_BUCKET,…
  • 103
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3 answers

How can i see Google Mirror API at Google APIs console

I followed this article: and try to create a Google APIs Console Project. But in Services tab I don't see Google Mirror API to enable it!
1 answer

Adding client id to appengine backend for android

I have created a simple app-engine endpoints api. Now I need to add the client_id and audience information for the android frontend. Following the links, I ended up at Configuring Your Web App Backend to Recognize Your Android Client. But step 2.a…
1 answer

Google Sign-in OAuth, backend server authentication and tokens daily limit

I have a game app that is going to be released on Google Play in 2-3 weeks that uses Google sign-in to authenticate users. So, I created a web client ID, linked the project and set up the login environment. I use Google API from client, get tokenID…
3 answers

Can I use two google-services json files from different google projects?

I have two google accounts, first is for Notifications and second is for Google sign in. For implementing this two services I should add two configuration files in my android application, but i can't do that because google does not support that. I…
1 answer

The caller doesnot have permission error while logging in to google api console

I'm trying to log in to the Google API console. But I'm getting the error as shown in the below image. Please help me to solve this.
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0 answers

ipRefererBlocked error when my api key's IP configuration matches server ip for the request

I recently made a change to the IP address listed under my server key, because I now have a new server. Now however I still keep getting an ipRefererBlocked error as if the new ip is not listed in the server key via api console. Is this just a…
Dante Cullari
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0 answers

Retrieve "Remaining Quota" for Youtube API V3 programmatically

The Youtube API implements a quota system to limit the number of api calls. The remaining Quota can be viewed via the Google API Console. I like to retrieve the remaining quota programmatically for display in Android. How do I go about doing this?
Angel Koh
  • 10,460
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1 answer

Drive Api auth suddenly fails

My Android apps were up and running for half a year and over one year. One can cast movies from Google Drive to the Chromecast the other can stream music from Google Drive to the device. Since about two days this: Drive.files().listFiles() throws…
2 answers

Google project not visible in Developers Console

I have created a Google project some time ago. The application can be found in (and I can run it like this: [my-app-id] But I can not find it in I even tried to access…
0 answers

How to manage Google Developer Console registration for a multi-instance architecture?

We have an application that we deploy on separate instances to each of our customers in a multi-instance architecture. We are developing a feature that will utilize the YouTube Data v3 API on the server, for which we need a server API key to access…
0 answers

googleplus integration for Android

Am trying to integrate google plus on existing android app . Have created google api console project at .Now as this link says we need to "Create an OAuth 2.0…
Basavaraj Hampali
  • 3,805
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3 answers

Mule 3.5 - Google OAuth2 Example

I'm trying to connect Mule 3.5 to the Google API (Tasks, Calender etc) but I'm having all sorts of problems with the OAuth2 authentication. Could anybody give me an example .xml file of a Mule project with a working Google OAuth2 Example (and maybe…
1 answer

Google APIs Console: Error Creating OAuth 2.0 Client ID

I am trying to use the Google APIs Console to create an OAuth 2.0 Client ID as a Service Account. This ID will be used to query my Google Analytics data through the Analytics API. However, when I attempt to create the Client ID, the APIs Console…