Questions tagged [glscene]

GLScene is an OpenGL based 3D library for Delphi. It provides visual components and objects allowing description and rendering of 3D scenes in an easy, no-hassle, yet powerful manner.

GLScene is an OpenGL based 3D library for Delphi. It provides visual components and objects allowing description and rendering of 3D scenes in an easy, no-hassle, yet powerful manner.

GLScene is not just an OpenGL wrapper or utility library, it has grown to become a set of founding classes for a generic 3D engine with Rapid Application Development in mind. GLScene allows you to quickly design and render 3D scenes without having to learn the intricacies of OpenGL, if you know how to design a TForm, you'll easily master the basic operations of GLScene. The library comes with a large collections of demos showcasing the ease of use, and demonstrating RAD wasn't done at the expense of CPU/GPU horsepower.

44 questions
2 answers

Delphi - GLScene or FireMonkey Demo example for painting on 3D model

Is there any demo or article about how to paint solid colors on a 3D model using Delphi GLScene component or FireMonkey ?
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Global Rotation

in GLScene we have three parameters (RollAngle, PitchAngle and TurnAngle) for rotation around local orientation. in the image below, how can I rotate cube around global orientation (orange axis)?
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4 answers

How can I solve fatal compiler errors when installing GLScene into RAD Studio 2010?

I'm trying to install GLScene into RAD Studio 2010, with the aim of using it from a mostly C++ project. I downloaded the latest snapshot (5991, November 2011) and have been trying to compile and install the two main packages: GLScene_DesignTime and…
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1 answer

Delphi GLScene export scene as stl

I have a GLScene project. In the SceneViewer I import some stl files as freeform. The user can interact with this objects (move and rotate them with mouse). Now I have to export this whole Scene to one stl file, so the position and the rotation of…
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Get an SIGSEGV error when add a PNGImage in TGLCompositeImage

I am usings Lazarus 1.2.4 and GLSCENE svn 6462 (1.2 svn version) I add material with this function below function AddMaterial(aMatLib: TGlMaterialLibrary; aFileName, aMaterialName: string): TGlLibMaterial; overload; begin result :=…
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How to adjust GLCamera to show entire GLScene

I have a GLScene object of varying (but known) size. It is completely surrounded by a TGLDummyCube. I want to position the GLCamera (with CameraStyle: glPerspective) so that the object is completely visible on screen. I got this running basically -…
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Delphi - GLScene - resize sprite according to the image

I use sprite to display an image texture but the sprite width and height are in 3D world units and I need to automatically display the loaded image texture without stretching. I know how to load a texture I only need a way to resize the sprite…
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GLFlatText resolution issue in GLScene

I have GLFlatText in GLScene application, but I never achieved the satisfactory text resolution with GLFlatText component as can be seen from attached image, red rectangle marked GLFlatText is always blurred and does't give good results especially…
Sonya Blade
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How to prevent Delphi application to create GLScene log file on startup?

My delphi application creates the following .log file on startup : 0 (I) Thread ID 6168 Log subsystem started in elapsed time mode. 0 (I) Thread ID 4620 Service thread started 312 (i) Thread ID 4620 Temporary rendering context…
Yuriy Chachora
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GlScene Mouse to point on TGLHeightField

I have a GLScene with a TGLHeightField with it points loaded from its OnGetHeight. What i'm trying to work out is what 3d point on the HeightField the mouse is currently over in the mousemove event. The hight(y) on the HeightField isn't really…
Christopher Chase
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1 answer

Grab a vertex under mouse position in GLScene

I'm writing a 3D modeling application using GLScene , so I need to move some vertices under mouse position to new position by grabbing the vertex. First of all, I load a sphere and pick up a vertex by mouse,then I try to drag it but I realize that…
naser daneshi
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Calculating position of object so it matches screen pixels

I would like to move a 3D plane in a 3D space, and have the movement match the screens pixels so I can snap the plane to the edges of the screen. I have played around with the focal length, camera position and camera scale, and I have managed to get…
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1 answer

How can i create materiallibrary and freeform in runtime in GLScene?

i want to write a ModelViewer to load many models in my Scene. so how can i create GLMaterialLibrary in run time and assign it to FreeForms Objects in RunTime? and i want to know how can i find the name of submodel's texture. TanX for Help.
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glScene function to convert object's 3D coordinates to viewport 2D coordinates

Is there any build-in function in glScene (Delphi) for converting 3D (xyz) position coordinates of the object to a screen 2D (xy) coordinates of that object shown on GlSceneViewer? Thank you!
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Determining intersection with frustum in GLScene

using GLScene in delphi I need to find the intersection between an object (a line or plane is enough) and the visible space, to determine what part of this object is currently showing. I tried getting the view frustum but I couldn't find how. I was…
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