Questions tagged [3d]

3D computer graphics are graphics that use a three-dimensional representation of geometric data stored in the computer for the purposes of performing calculations and rendering 2D images.

3D could mean 3D graphics. 3D graphics usually involve a lot of matrix manipulation and vector mathematics. These matrices will be both affine transformations for manipulating the objects in 3D space (translation, rotation and scaling) and perspective transformations for generating the 2D image required for display. More information about 3D graphics at Wikipedia page of 3D graphics

3D could also mean Stereoscopy. Stereoscopy (also called stereoscopics or 3D imaging) is a technique for creating or enhancing the illusion of depth in an image by means of stereopsis for binocular vision. To generate stereo images two normal displays are generated offset from each other by the distance between the eyes. These are then combined on the display in one a variety of ways (LCD shutter glasses, polarised projections etc.) to generate the 3D effect.

More information on Stereoscopy at Wikipedia page of Stereoscopy

15601 questions
10 answers

Tutorials and libraries for OpenGL-ES games on Android

What tutorials and libraries are available which can help beginners to develop 2D and 3D games on Android using OpenGL-ES? I'm looking for tutorials which can help me learn OpenGL-ES, and I'm looking for OpenGL-ES libraries which can make life…
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8 answers

Why are quaternions used for rotations?

I'm a physicist, and have been learning some programming, and have come across a lot of people using quaternions for rotations instead of writing things in matrix/vector form. In physics, there are very good reasons we don't use quaternions…
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2 answers

The purpose of Model View Projection Matrix

For what purposes are we using Model View Projection Matrix? Why do shaders require Model View Projection Matrix?
Yuriy Vikulov
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4 answers

How to make a 3D scatter plot in Python?

I am currently have a nx3 matrix array. I want plot the three columns as three axis's. How can I do that? I have googled and people suggested using Matlab, but I am really having a hard time with understanding it. I also need it be a scatter…
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7 answers

Disable vertical sync for glxgears

Sometimes you need to check whether you Linux 3D acceleration is really working (besides the glxinfo output). This can be quickly done by the glxgears tool. However, the FPS are often limited to the displays vertical refresh rate (i.e. 60 fps). So…
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3 answers

Plotting a 3d cube, a sphere and a vector in Matplotlib

I search how to plot something with less instruction as possible with Matplotlib but I don't find any help for this in the documentation. I want to plot the following things: a wireframe cube centered in 0 with a side length of 2 a "wireframe"…
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8 answers

When to use Binary Space Partitioning, Quadtree, Octree?

I have recently learned about binary space partitioning trees and their application to 3d graphics and collision detection. I have also briefly perused material relating to quadtrees and octrees. When would you use quadtrees over bsp trees, or…
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9 answers

robust algorithm for surface reconstruction from 3D point cloud?

I am trying to figure out what algorithms there are to do surface reconstruction from 3D range data. At a first glance, it seems that the Ball pivoting algorithm (BPA) and Poisson surface reconstruction are the more established methods? What are…
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1 answer

Texture Mapping in 3D Object (.pod) not happening correctly using isgl3D

I have used a 3D iphone (.pod) model, its showing correctly in PVRShammon. But when I imported that 3D model into isgl3D, its not showing correctly with the textured image, the image is covering only some of the areas of the object with some lines…
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13 answers

How do I reverse-project 2D points into 3D?

I have 4 2D points in screen-space, and I need to reverse-project them back into 3D space. I know that each of the 4 points is a corner of a 3D-rotated rigid rectangle, and I know the size of the rectangle. How can I get 3D coordinates from this? I…
Joshua Carmody
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5 answers

Rotate camera in Three.js with mouse

I have quite a few objects in my scene so rotating all of them could be a pain. So what is the most easy way to move camera around origin on mouse click and drag? This way all the lights, objects in the scene are in the same location, so the only…
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1 answer

Plotting a 3D surface plot with contour map overlay, using R

I have a 3-tuple data set (X,Y,Z points) that I want to plot using R. I want to create a surface plot from the data, and superimpose a contour map on the surface plot, so as to create the impression of the contour map being the "shadow" or…
Stick it to THE MAN
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2 answers

Rotating a Vector in 3D Space

I am making an android project in opengl es that uses accelerometer to calculate change in specific axes and my aim is to rotate my spacecraft-like object's movement vector. The problem is that i can't understand the math behind rotation matrices.…
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10 answers

How to convert a 3D point into 2D perspective projection?

I am currently working with using Bezier curves and surfaces to draw the famous Utah teapot. Using Bezier patches of 16 control points, I have been able to draw the teapot and display it using a 'world to camera' function which gives the ability to…
Zachary Wright
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9 answers

Signed angle between two 3D vectors with same origin within the same plane

What I need is a signed angle of rotation between two vectors Va and Vb lying within the same 3D plane and having the same origin knowing that: The plane contatining both vectors is an arbitrary and is not parallel to XY or any other of cardinal…
Advanced Customer
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