Questions tagged [c++builder]

Embarcadero C++Builder is a RAD C++ environment (compiler system & IDE) and component framework for Windows, OS X, iOS and Android.

C++Builder utilizes the Embarcadero RAD Studio IDE, along with Delphi. Many internal code and visual components use Delphi.

C++Builder was first released by Borland in 1997. The spin-off company CodeGear made several release from 2007-2008 (versions 2007, 2009). In 2008 CodeGear was purchased by Embarcadero Technologies, who continued development.

The current version C++Builder (10.3 Rio) released in November 2018 with support for Win32, Win64, OSX, iOS (32 and 64 bit) and Android.

  • The Windows, iOS-32 and Android compiler are based off of CLANG 3.3.
  • The iOS-64 compiler is based off of CLANG 3.5.
  • The OS X compiler is based on the proprietary Embarcadero compiler and is not C++11 compliant.


2988 questions
2 answers

How to create "No Activate" form in Firemonkey

In XCode by adding these methods to your NSView subclass can prevent the window from becoming active when clicking on it: - (BOOL)shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent:(NSEvent )theEvent { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse:(NSEvent )theEvent…
mh taqia
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7 answers

How can I "unuse" a namespace?

One of the vagaries of my development system (Codegear C++Builder) is that some of the auto-generated headers insist on having... using namespace xyzzy ...statements in them, which impact on my code when I least want or expect it. Is there a way I…
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6 answers

'cannot find or open the pdb file' Visual Studio C++ 2013

I just downloaded VS 2013 Community Edition and I wrote my first app. When I run it it shows in the output section: 'ConsoleApplication1.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Users\Toshiba\Documents\Visual Studio…
Georges Farah
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4 answers

Linking fails [ilink32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'TYPES.OBJ'

I have been updating code fomr an old legacy project build using C++ Builder 2010 to compile with C++ Builder 10 Seattle. I have mostly had to change paths, a lot of dupIgnore to TDuplicates::dupIgnore, reimport some components like MSXML and MSMQ…
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3 answers

Recommendations for a docking library for Delphi / C++Builder?

My team is currently thinking of moving our existing MDI-based application to a more modern, docking-based approach. We're still thinking, but we'd like to move it to something like VS2010's docking and visual look: This has the following…
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16 answers

How to fix "LME288/Unknown heap name" warning?

Suddenly, out of the blue, I get the LME288 linker error. [ilink32 Warning] Warning: D:/Projects/TrainFever Game Manager/TFGM/Win32/Debug/TFGameManager.ilc: 0x00010000 / 0x08000000 [ilink32 Warning] Warning: D:/Projects/TrainFever Game…
15 answers

Advice for converting a large monolithic singlethreaded application to a multithreaded architecture?

My company's main product is a large monolithic C++ application, used for scientific data processing and visualisation. Its codebase goes back maybe 12 or 13 years, and while we have put work into upgrading and maintaining it (use of STL and Boost…
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12 answers

C++ Builder or Visual Studio

I own a software development company. We develop software for other companies who brand under their name/titles. And we also have a couple self branded titles in the Accounting/ERP market. Our accounting software is roughly 60% of our business…
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2 answers

What is the best practice for using precompiled headers in a modern C++Builder application?

I am currently migrating a large RAD Studio 2010 project to XE4. As part of this, I am recreating many of the project files. I would like to take the opportunity to ensure we are using the best possible mechanism for precompiled headers, since there…
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4 answers

3D library recommendations for interactive spatial data visualisation?

Our software produces a lot of data that is georeferenced and recorded over time. We are considering ways to improve the visualisation, and showing the (processed) data in a 3D view, given it's georeferenced, seems a good idea. I am looking for…
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7 answers

Start program on a second monitor?

Is there a way to specify which monitor a application appears on in Delphi or C++Builder? I am developing a simple program for a customer, which displays kitchen orders on a secondary monitor, generated by a hospitality system. Currently they…
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0 answers

XE4 Delphi TCustomListView TViewStyle 'vsSmallIcon' badly arranged Icons

I'm using TListView in my form (which inherits from TCustomListView) and when I change ListView style to "vsSmallIcon" the icons gets badly arranged. We found this issue ever since we ported our Code from Borland 2006 to XE4. Rest all "ViewStyle"s…
2 answers

Is the TTimer.OnTimer event handler reentrant?

I have a TTimer in my application that fires every 2 seconds and calls my event handler, HandleTimerEvent(). The HandleTimerEvent() function modifies shared resources and can take 10's of seconds to execute before returning. Furthermore, I call…
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2 answers

How do I disable "cursor beyond end of line"?

How do I deactivate Delphi's "Cursor beyond end of line" feature? When I click in the empty space to the right of a line, or when I navigate to a line with the arrow keys, I want the cursor to be at the line's real end, not in the "virtual space".
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4 answers

Eclipse CDT: Unresolved inclusion of stl header

I'm trying to use Eclipse to edit sources, compiled under C++ Builder, but stuck with Unresolved inclusion problem. For example, code like: #include Gives Unresolved inclusion: error in Eclipse IDE. C++ Builder indeed has no…
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