Questions tagged [scene]

'scene' can refer to various things. Please combine this tag with other tags to put your question into perspective.

The Scene class is the container for all content in a scene graph.

Within Scenes represent game levels and screens, which are loaded one at a time according to the game mechanics. The scene is a key element in Unity editor and contains the , assets and other game elements.

908 questions
2 answers

Understanding scenes in Unity3d

I have some confusion with scenes in Unity3d and I was not able to find any resources about them. When should scenes be used? For example in a platformer would every level have to be a different scene? Would the main menu be a scene? Can one…
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8 answers

Loading new fxml in the same scene

I have 2 fxml files: Layout (header, menubars and content) Anchorpane (it's supposed to be placed inside the content from the other fxml file) I would like to know how can I load the second file inside the content space from the "Master" scene.…
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2 answers

3D Scene Renderer for Python

I'm looking for an easy to use 3D scene renderer for Python. All I'm looking for is to be able to: Load a 3D scene model Render it using an orthographic camera Export the image so I can perform analysis So far the software I've found is either too…
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7 answers

How to switch scenes in JavaFX

I have looked on many pages to try and find out how to switch scenes but I have been unsuccessful. I have a calculator and my goal is to select a menu option to change Calculators(ie: basic and scientific). Right now I am just testing so here is my…
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0 answers

How to Update Frames for all Size Classes in a Storyboard in Xcode 6.1?

When working with Storyboard files in Interface Builder on Xcode 6.1, Apple recommends designing for the Any/Any size class. When finished, different size classes sometimes report warnings: Misplaced View - Frame for "Some Button" will be different…
Dave Gallagher
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4 answers

Cocos2d adding a background image to a layer?

I just finished reading some of the cocos2d documentation, and as far as I understand to add a background image to a layer you have to do something like: Sprite * bg = [Sprite spriteWithFile:@"Background.png"]; [layer addChild:bg z:0]; Allthough as…
Oscar Gomez
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13 answers

Allow user to resize an undecorated Stage

I am working on making a screen recorder in JavaFX and one utility that is mandatory in the screen recorder is to let the user define how much area to record. I managed to make an undecorated , semi-transparent Stage that can be dragged around to…
An SO User
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2 answers

How to populate a TableView that is defined in an fxml file that is designed in JavaFx Scene Builder

I would like to know how do I populate a TableView with data... All the examples I have seen creates a TableView with columns and everything and add it to the scene. All done in the java code itself. What I want to know: if I design my "form" in…
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1 answer

Difference between a Scene and a View in iOS

I'm new to iOS I'm having trouble understanding the difference between scene and a view. Unfortunately Apple's documentation isn't helping me. I read that a scene is what you see on the screen. But isn't that what a view is? Are these two…
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1 answer

How to implement pixel-wise classification for scene labeling in TensorFlow?

I am working on a deep learning model using Google's TensorFlow. The model should be used to segment and label scenes. I am using the SiftFlow dataset which has 33 semantic classes and images with 256x256 pixels. As a result, at my final layer…
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3 answers

Set Height and Width of Stage and Scene in javafx

I develop one javafx application. In my application there are two scenes and one stage. In application the height and width for both scenes are same or constant. so as per my research the height and width for scene remain constant which mention in…
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3 answers

SwiftUI 2: the way to open view in new window

Lets imagine that I have an App var storeVM = BookStoreViewModel(bla1: bla1, bla2: bla2, bla3: bla3) @SceneBuilder var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { BookStoreView( model: storeVM ) } #if os(macOS) Settings { …
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3 answers

Load scene with param variable Unity

In my game there is a map view that contains a 50x50 grid of tiles. When you click on the tile you get sent to that tiles view and attack things, etc. The only difference between these "tiles" as far as the code will be concerned is the tiles ID,…
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4 answers

JavaFX how to change stage

I'm using Netbeans 7.2 with Scene Builder 1.0 to develop a JavaFX application. I have my main screen set up, and I want to have it so I click a button and it'll close the main window and open another. The main Stage object is located in the main…
Tyler Petrochko
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1 answer

Understanding Scene/WindowGroup in SwiftUI 2?

There is several objects in SwiftUI 2 like Scene and WindowGroup as some sort of Scene. After reading documentation and looking WWDC2020 video related to scenes I see hierarchy by the following way : Single App => One or multiple scenes =>…
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