Questions tagged [frustum]

A frustum is a region of space delimited by a solid geometrical shape and two parallel planes cutting it, in particular the region of (virtual) space that is rendered on screen in computer graphics applications.

A frustum is a region of space delimited by a solid geometrical shape and two parallel planes cutting it. It may also refer to the region of (virtual) space that is rendered on screen in computer graphics applications (e.g. the visible area of a first-person shooter computer game or of a virtual reality application, like a virtual planetarium - Viewing frustum).

146 questions
2 answers

Calculating the Viewing Frustum in a 3D Space

I have drawn diagram after diagram of how to calculate the bounding points of the viewing frustum in a three-dimensional space. To start, I have a two sets of data containing three values each: the xyz coordinates of the camera and the rotation…
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Extracting View Frustum Planes (Gribb & Hartmann method)

I have been grappling with the Gribb/Hartmann method of extracting the Frustum planes for some time now, with little success. I want to build a camera view-frustum to cull my scene. I am working with column-major matrices in a right-handed…
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8 answers

Finding a minimum bounding sphere for a frustum

I have a frustum (truncated pyramid) and I need to compute a bounding sphere for this frustum that's as small as possible. I can choose the centre to be right in the centre of the frustum and the radius be the distance to one of the "far" corners,…
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3 answers

How to check if an object lies outside the clipping volume in OpenGL?

I'm really confused about OpenGL's modelview transformation. I understand all the transformation processes, but when it comes to projection matrix, I'm lost :( If I have a point P (x, y, z), how can I check to see if this point will be drawn on a…
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1 answer

Calculate radius of helix so that models in helix are inside the frustum

I'm building an app in which I present some planes with textures. However, I would like to calculate the radius of the helix (which I use in my calculations to create a helix), dynamically based on the frustum width and the camera position. The…
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GLM - Calculating the frustum from the projection matrix

GLM provides a way to declare a projection matrix: projectionMatrix = glm::perspective(45.0f, 4.0f / 3.0f, 0.1f, 1000.f); From this, I want to be able to check to see if bounding boxes are in my frustum. How do I obtain the frustum planes or…
Pladnius Brooks
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THREE.js check if object is in frustum

i've been tinkering around with three.js and i have a canvas i'd like to use as kind of a GUI. for that i have to check if an object is in the camera frustum. my current code: camera.updateMatrix(); camera.updateMatrixWorld(); var frustum = new…
Kevin Kuyl
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"Radar approach" to Frustum Culling: fail at first simple test?

Trying to get at least the very simple part 1 of the Lighthouse3D Radar Frustum Culling tutorial to work... and am absolutely baffled that I can't even make that part work in my renderer. So the first step is: you test if a point is in front the…
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4 answers

Confused about Frustum Culling

I'm new to OpenGL. I'm using it with JOGL. I'm reading about frustum culling: I'm not sure exactly what it's supposed to do.…
Nick Heiner
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2 answers

Need some help implementing VBOs with Frustum Culling

I'm currently developing my first 3D game for a school project, the game world is completely inspired by minecraft (world completely made out of cubes). I'm currently seeking to improve the performance trying to implement vertex buffer objects but…
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3 answers

Is the geometry outside of OpenGL ES Frustum also rendered?

I am developing a game for iPhone using OpenGL ES as drawing api. I am drawing a whole big world in a single draw element. The object is visible according to the frustum. I want to know what happens to the other part of the object, Is it drawn? Does…
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1 answer

Unable to Draw 3D (Frustum) on top of 2D (Ortho) in OpenGL

I'm trying to render some meshes with Frustum projection on top of a background image (orthographic projection). No matter what I do, the background image keeps being on top of the scene (hiding the meshes). I've tried a little test - when I've…
1 answer

How to compute the size of the rectangle that is visible to the camera at a given coordinate?

I made a small three.js app that moves a bunch of circles from the bottom of the canvas to the top: let renderer, scene, light, circles, camera; initialize(); animate(); function initialize() { renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha:…
XåpplI'-I0llwlg'I -
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1 answer

Load a 3d Object from obj file and fit it inside the camera using Three.Js

I am trying to load(dynamically) object files using THREE.OBJLoader and place them in the center of a scene(or canvas), so that the whole object can be visible in the Camera. Objects are dynamic, so I don't have fixed height or width data. What I…
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Making an object fit exactly inside the camera frustum in Three.Js

I am trying to make an object fit inside the camera frustum, and I went through all the trigonometry for that, and this is the code I used. var setupCamera = function() { aspectRatio = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight camera = new…
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