Questions tagged [featuretoggle]

A Feature Toggle is a method for turning off a feature a programmer is working on, therefore avoiding the need for a feature branch. It is also called a feature bit, flag, flipper or switch.

A Feature Toggle is a method for turning off a feature a programmer is working on, therefore avoiding the need for a feature branch. It is also called a feature bit, flag, flipper or switch.

Martin Fowler wrote a classic blog post on it:

54 questions
1 answer

LaunchDarkly: multi-platform feature flagging and branching questions

Looking at LaunchDarkly for feature flagging across our enterprise apps. Two questions: 1) I'm concerned about being able to effectively flag features across our Java back end and React front ends (2 of them). What are some strategies that people…
Wes Gamble
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1 answer

Can I make Spring supply @Autowired constructors with nulls while a Bean is feature-toggled off?

I am developing a new feature that should be hidden behind a FeatureToggleX. As part of that, I need to add a new dependency b to my SomeClass: class SomeClass { private OldDependency a; private NewDependency b; @Autowired public…
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3 answers

How to globally disable/hide/replace a component by name in React?

I have a large React app and I have a few components that I would like to completely disable from a config or global level. Is there any kind of global hook that I can use that is called before any component is rendered? If so, I imagine I can check…
Byron Sommardahl
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1 answer

Convert a string consistently into a random percentage from 0 to 100

For soft rollouts of new features, I want my server which holds the feature flags to return a percentage number, and then have the client figure out which side of the percentage it is on. I want to use the user-id to make this choice consistently,…
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Using Dynamic Proxies for Feature Toggle

We've been using Guice for DI in AWS Lambdas, but now are moving to Spring Boot and long running services. We've got feature toggles working as dynamic proxies in Guice, but need to implement in Spring. Say we have a SomeFeature interface and two…
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1 answer

Android - Feature flags from database, Shared preferences or memory?

I'm curious about best practices here. Currently, I save all the feature flags ( in the database. When I have to show some feature, I read the status (True/False) from it and then show/hide it depending…
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1 answer

How Best to Toggle specific Fitnesse Tests?

Can specific fitnesse tests be toggled on or off conditionally? In Fowler/Hodgson terminology, we are using "Release Toggles" - i.e. toggles which allow changes to be disabled in our test and pro environment until ready for prime time. We don't…
Mark D
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1 answer

Feature toggling MVC Web Api

Is it possible to use Feature Toggling in MVC Web APIs? I want to restrict certain controller actions to be called until the API functionality is complete.
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1 answer

Study- or research-paper on how to implement trunk-based/master-branch development?

Please could You share a study- or research-paper on how to implement “trunk-based”/master-branch development (as opposed to have long-lived sub branches) in a micro-service based environment ? Preferably a study giving business case ($$$)…
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