Questions tagged [launchdarkly]

LaunchDarkly is a SaaS feature management platform. This tag should be used on PROGRAMMING QUESTIONS related to the LaunchDarkly platform. NON-PROGRAMMING QUESTIONS ABOUT LAUNCHDARKLY ARE OFF-TOPIC.

LaunchDarkly is a feature management platform which can be used to control feature lifecycles. The platform has server-side, client-side and mobile SDKs, including .NET, PHP, Python, Node.js, Java, JavaScript, Ruby/Rails, Go, iOS, and Android.

LaunchDarkly can do canary launches, infrastructure migrations, test in production, and user entitlements.

15 questions
1 answer

How can I programmatically set the user details for Launch Darkly in my react app

I am wrapping my App.js file in the withLDProvider component and I want to know how I can set the user information from inside of my App function. Let's say for example I get the username that is cached in Dexie inside of my App function, how can I…
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1 answer

LaunchDarkly Bootstrapping: (JS) Property Assignment Expected

I am setting up LaunchDarkly to control my first feature flag and its working fine from server & client side. Now I am trying LaunchDarkly Bootstrap approach (From the below given Link) and tried like below my code, but it's not accepting the…
Md Aslam
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1 answer

access props outside component hoc - launch darkly implementation

I'm trying to access the props outside of a HOC. I'm trying to set up launch darkly and I need the clientSideID to be dynamic based on settings. I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. The withLDProvider is a function that needs to wrap the…
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2 answers

When to use polling and streaming in launch darkly

I have started using launch darkly(LD) recently. And I was exploring how LD updates its feature flags. As mentioned Here, there are two ways. Streaming Polling I was just thinking which implementation will be better in what cases. After a little…
Arun Gowda
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0 answers

Feature Flag Change Listener (e.g true, false) in Rollout Android SDK

For those who used Rollout SDK's feature flag. Is it possible to listen / observe the feature / flag / configuration change in Rollout SDK for iOS / Android by registering for certain flags? For example, I have a deal feature flag, whenever it's…
Farruh Habibullaev
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2 answers

How to mock feature toggle without connection to Launch Darkly?

I have a new code line which has to be surrounded with a feature toggle. Since it is a service (Flask application) which initiates all its connections and relevant integration with external sources on the start-up - I have no instance of…
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1 answer

LaunchDarkly feature flags with celery

I am trying to run an async task with LaunchDarkly feature flags When I first starting the worker, it takes the last flag value But if I'm changing the feature flag value while worker is running - it will not update the value, and it will remain the…
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0 answers

LaunchDarkly - How to add to IConfiguration - .NET 5.0

I've integrated LaucnhDarkly to my .NET 5 code using a FeatureFlagService class and using dependency injection like below. services.AddSingleton(sp => new FeatureFlagsService(configuration)); And in the…
0 answers

How to reflect updated data in react application after changing feature flag value in launch darkly

I am changing feature flag value in launch darkly dashboard, the updated flag data is not getting reflect in the application. We need to refresh the application or open in new tab to see the updated results
1 answer

How to test a nestjs service by passing in a ConfigService with custom values?

I've created a service, and the module for it looks like this: launchdarkly.module.ts @Module({ providers: [LaunchdarklyService], exports: [LaunchdarklyService], imports: [ConfigService], }) export class LaunchdarklyModule {} (this…
Jon Lauridsen
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1 answer

How to Impliment LaunchDarkly feature management in .net core api

I would like to add LaunchDarkly feature management in my .net core api.In a real time project how can i add this? I have one interface file with all features.How will be this interface participate in LD call? i am confused how to create a generic…
0 answers

LaunchDarkly: Flushing data from client in offline mode

I'm working on a POC using LaunchDarkly's Java + Redis SDK and one of my requirements is initializing a 2nd LaunchDarkly client in "offline" mode. Due to my existing architecture one application will connect to LaunchDarkly and hydrate a Redis…
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Async Storage vs State/Redux

We are run our feature flags using Launch Darkly(LD). Our current procedure is making a service call to LD, get the json back that has the feature flags tailored to that specific user, and use redux to store it in state. To utilize the feature flags…
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1 answer

Structure inter-dependant feature flags in Javascript

I'm fairly new to feature flags. They have been super helpful. I'm using them to release features but I am also using them to AB test features in the app. The problem I am running into is that some features are dependant on others. For example, I…
Josh Pittman
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1 answer

LaunchDarkly: multi-platform feature flagging and branching questions

Looking at LaunchDarkly for feature flagging across our enterprise apps. Two questions: 1) I'm concerned about being able to effectively flag features across our Java back end and React front ends (2 of them). What are some strategies that people…
Wes Gamble
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