Questions tagged [featuretoggle]

A Feature Toggle is a method for turning off a feature a programmer is working on, therefore avoiding the need for a feature branch. It is also called a feature bit, flag, flipper or switch.

A Feature Toggle is a method for turning off a feature a programmer is working on, therefore avoiding the need for a feature branch. It is also called a feature bit, flag, flipper or switch.

Martin Fowler wrote a classic blog post on it:

54 questions
1 answer

How to Enable Feature Toggle in .Net Core Using Feature Toggle Nuget Package?

Below are the changes which I did it in my application. Added FeatureToggle package in the code. And Created New Printing Class(Sample class only for) Extending SimpleFeatureToggle. using FeatureToggle; namespace AspDotNetCoreExample.Models { …
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@Autowired Spring @Component with @ConditionalOnProperty

Can I use @Autowired Spring 4.x @Components with a @ConditionalOnProperty to choose implementations of a Feature based on a file? public class Controller { @Autowired private Feature…
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1 answer

How should feature toggles be set in tests run in continuous integration?

How does one go about testing when using feature toggles? You want your development computer to be as close to production as possible. From videos I watched, feature toggles are implemented in a way to allow certain people to "use" the feature…
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1 answer

Implementing Feature Toggles in Perl5

i'd like to be able to create "ghost" packages and subs. I have a configuration (ini) file with entries like this: [features] sys.ext.latex = off gui.super.duper.elastic = off user.login.rsa = on This file is parsed, and later developers can ask…
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3 answers

Proper management of application settings when using VSTS and Azure

There are two different ways how to manage the application settings if you use VSTS and Azure. Please keep in mind this is only an example of tools used for continuous deployment. You can override JSON files(Web config in older systems) in the CD…
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1 answer

Adding a global setting (feature toggle) to Wordpress

I have a Wordpress site that uses a bespoke theme. I'd like to add a feature toggle (checkbox setting) somewhere in the admin that can be read by the various theme pages to change their behavior. What's the best way to implement this? If you could…
Richard Szalay
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2 answers

Feature toggles in VueJS

I'd like to add some "feature toggling mechanism" to my Vue application. While I have implemented a rather basic setup, I'd like to consider the techniques described in this article by Pete Hodgson. Especially the aspect "Inversion of Decision"…
Robert Strauch
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1 answer

What HTTP status code do you use when endpoint is disabled by feature-flag / feature-toggle?

I have been using 503 Service Unavailable or down for maintenance. However some http client libraries i.e. axios treat 503 as retriable error. It makes sense to retry it if the response is produced due to high load but 503 also fits the…
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Feature toggle best practices for starting

In our project we are working with multiple teams on one product (desktop application). We have successfully implemented TDD and CI and want to do the next step with releasing more often, ideally into Continous deploy, without drifting into the…
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1 answer

Feature branching with feature toggling when trying to do continuous delivery

I'm trying to understand why some teams use feature toggling if they are already using feature branching and trying to achieve continuous delivery. Let's say a team wants to achieve continuous delivery and can do that with help from either feature…
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1 answer

Feature-Toggle with GWTP

As you may know, Feature-Toggle is a method to deploy features that are not fully ready, and turn them on by using some configuration. Features can be turned on for specific customers (A/B testing for example) or gradually for all customers when…
Ben Bracha
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1 answer

How to propery genearate routes with approperiate component with React Router

I am trying to generate routes with the appropriate components from "Feature" objects. The idea is to have a collection of site features that can be enabled or disabled, and routes/navigation menu items generated from this collection. Sort of like…
Peter Koller
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1 answer

How to feature toggle URLs dynamically in Django rest framework

I am working on a project where we use feature toggles to hide features until they are ready to be released. The pattern we have followed is to simply not route certain endpoints if the feature toggle is off. I.e in, we only include URLs in…
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0 answers

How and where to add unleash-client for and node.js angular typescript application

I am trying to add to node js angular project. I am not a developer but just want integrate feature toggle in one of my projects. The application tech stack contains core, nodejs, angular and…
1 answer

Database driven feature toggle

I would want to enable my new feature based on a database value . If the database value is set for the feature , the new code should be enabled. Else it should toggle and flow to the old code. is there a way to accomplish this in Java/Spring ? I do…
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