Questions tagged [featuretoggle]

A Feature Toggle is a method for turning off a feature a programmer is working on, therefore avoiding the need for a feature branch. It is also called a feature bit, flag, flipper or switch.

A Feature Toggle is a method for turning off a feature a programmer is working on, therefore avoiding the need for a feature branch. It is also called a feature bit, flag, flipper or switch.

Martin Fowler wrote a classic blog post on it:

54 questions
3 answers

Feature Toggles vs Feature Branches

What are "Feature Toggles" and "Feature Branches" and what's the difference between them? What are the pros and cons? Why is one better than the other? I found some articles on Google regarding this, and I tend to be in the "Feature Toggles" camp,…
1 answer

Using Feature Toggling and IoC in lieu of Branching Code -- Good or Bad Idea?

Our clients get to choose when to upgrade. So, my team literally has to maintain and support dozens of versions of our software product. As you can imagine that results in a lot of branching and merging as hot fixes and service packs have to be…
Ed Chaparro
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2 answers

Feature Flagging vs Authorization

I just stumbled across the concept of feature flagging, and a popular open source Java lib for this called Togglz, which quotes a Martin Fowler blog post: The basic idea is to have a configuration file that defines a bunch of toggles for various…
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Tools and techniques for effective use of feature toggles in .NET

I have read a lot about feature toggles but have no practical experience of using them. What tools and techniques do people recommend for effective management of feature toggles? I imagine the simplest way would be to store toggles as true/false…
Phil Hale
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Feature toggle in spring context

I want to use the feature-toggle paradigm. Specifically, I want my Spring contexts to contain different bean definitions based on a toggle. I've come across this:,…
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Existing PHP Tool for Feature Toggle

Recently I've read a number of articles talking about the idea of using "feature toggles" or "gatekeepers" to keep features hidden from users until the development is done. Facebook and Flickr both also talk about how they use this to test new…
1 answer

Is it possible to use feature flags/toggles when feature modify database?

This problem confuses me the most when thinking about using feature toggles in applications. Most of the features require some changes in database. How then feature flag can be implemented to be able revert database changes smoothly along with…
Artur Skrzydło
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What design pattern can be used for feature toggle spaghetti?

The company that I work for has gone off the deep end with feature toggles-configuration keys that turn on/off particular behavior based on certain conditions. Martin Fowler actually refers to them as business toggles…
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4 answers

Feature-Toggle for Spring components

I have a Spring Boot application with a lot of @Component, @Controller, @RestController annotated components. There are about 20 different features which I would like to toggle separatly. It is important that features can be toggled without…
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6 answers

Feature Toggling Java Annotations

How can I feature toggle java annotations? Simple feature toggle:- if(toggle enabled) do x Spring allows the use of "profiles" to toggle beans. I use these and they are fine but I'd like to toggle annotation on field or classes.. how can I do…
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1 answer

How to deal with feature toggling when a new feature requires massive changes in codebase?

Feature toggling works perfectly for a new functionality - in most cases the functionality should be simply surrounded with some UI container that will be visible or not based on feature configuration. But how feature toggling could be used if a new…
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1 answer

Passing .NET Core Environment to React.JS app

With .NET Core, in Startup.cs you have access to IHostingEnvironment from which you can get the EnvironmentName which corresponds to the value of the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment variable set on the server. This is great for toggling various…
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How can I implement feature toggle in Java from scratch?

I have a requirement to implement feature toggling in my current project. I have no idea how to implement it from scratch in Java. I have read the theory behind the feature toggling at various articles related to this topic but I haven't yet seen…
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2 answers

How to skip a Unit Test at runtime?

Thanks in advance! We have some Automation tests using the selenium web driver which are great and provide a really good regression pack. The problem is now we have feature toggles in our code. So I need to say ignore these tests unless that…
5 answers

Feature flags / toggles when artifact is a library and flags affect C or C++ headers

There exists quite a bit of discussions on feature flags/toggles and why you would use them but most of the discussion on implementing them center around (web or client) apps. If your product/artifact is a C or C++ library and your public headers…
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