Questions tagged [trunk]

Trunk is a main branch recommended by Subversion, but you are in no way forced to create this.

Detailed info:

Stack Overflow post on this: What do "branch", "tag" and "trunk" mean in Subversion repositories?

153 questions
16 answers

What do "branch", "tag" and "trunk" mean in Subversion repositories?

I've seen these words a lot around Subversion (and I guess general repository) discussions. I have been using SVN for my projects for the last few years, but I've never grasped the complete concept of these directories. What do they mean?
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9 answers

What is trunk, branch and tag in Subversion?

Possible Duplicate: What do “branch”, “tag” and “trunk” really mean? What is a trunk, branch and tag in Subversion and what are the best practices to use them? What tools can I use for Subversion in Visual Studio 2008?
Hemanshu Bhojak
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4 answers

Merge branch with trunk

Using TortoiseSVN, I need to take changes I've done in a branch and then merge them with trunk. I am the only developer on this project, so I know trunk hasn't changed. I am learning SVN so that eventually my team can use it. Basically, I want my…
Brian Bolton
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3 answers

Svn switch from trunk to branch

I am in the root folder of an SVN-hosted project's trunk and am exploring setting up two branches. One branch will be a "snapshot" of the project at the current (stable) revision, and a second branch will be one I'll work on to apply some new code,…
Alex Reynolds
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3 answers

Is it possible to use the git-flow model with Subversion?

We use Subversion and aside from a few individuals such as myself there is little to no experience with branching and merging in Subversion. My Subversion experience is limited to simple feature branches where merge and tree-conflicts, while not…
Ryan Taylor
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2 answers

Configure TeamCity to build from SVN trunk, branches and/or tags

How can I configure TeamCity to build from SVN trunk and also from different branches and/or tags ? Our idea is to have multiple builds from the same project, this way we can have the current version that is in production (with the ability to make…
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5 answers

Can I update a branch from the trunk without performing a merge?

I probably just haven't thought this through, or perhaps I'm simply unaware of an already existing option in Subversion (I'm certainly no expert). I'm just wondering, if I've created a branch to start working on some new feature, if there's an…
Dan Tao
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6 answers

Missing ranges error message when reintegrating a branch into trunk in Subversion 1.5

I'm trying to reintegrate a development branch into the trunk in my Subversion 1.5 repository. I merged all the changes from the trunk to the development branch prior to this operation. Now when I try to reintegrate the changes from the branch I get…
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2 answers

SVN error when trying to merge from a branch

I'm trying to merge changes from a branch to the trunk, for a single file and a single revision. I'm using VisualSVN as the front-end. So I right-click the file, Visual SVN -> Merge, then select ‘Merge a range of revisions’, then enter the revision…
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6 answers

Use Subversion Without Trunk

My team recently decided not to use the "trunk" branch that is typical of most subversion repository layouts. We found that at any given moment there was always a particular branch that functioned in the traditional role that trunk would hold in…
Jason Marcell
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3 answers

SVN to Git Branch/Tag/Trunk

I am making the leap from SVN to Git (though, my respect for SVN will still hold) and I had a few questions for some SVN to Git terminology. In SVN, many repositories are setup like this: - trunk : The place where all of the main development…
Oliver Spryn
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4 answers

When do I check out TRUNK vs the FULL PROJECT in an SVN repo?

Got a (hopefully small) question regarding SVN and checking out repos. Basically I see conflicting tutorials and suggestions regarding what to check out and when. Some will say: svn co my_project …while others…
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4 answers

Svn merging trunk and branches

I have a huge project. I need to make a branch - this will be version 2 of the project, but I also need to keep the trunk and change it in parallel with the branch 1 as bug fix to the version 1. I need to merge bug fixes from the trunk to the branch…
Darko Petreski
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1 answer

Can I (and how to) apply a patch created from trunk to a branch?

I was working on the trunk recently and the changed I did I thought others might need them so I created a patch just before committing. Now a fellow dev who was working on a branch (which comes from the trunk a couple of weeks back) needs those…
Sébastien Richer
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2 answers

Merging from branch to trunk with 'Merge range of revisions'

I have merged in Subversion/TortoiseSVN like this a few times: Method A: 1) I change the trunk and commit. 2) I make other changes in a branch and commit. 3) In a working copy from trunk: I merge from the branch using TortoiseSVN's 'Merge a range…
Ole Lynge
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