Questions tagged [local]

A tag for questions about accessing resources local to a given runtime environment or network.

Accessing data on a local network, or accessing files local to the computer can pose unexpected complications, especially when using languages that are not typically used for local resource access.

Additional exceptions, or hardware/firmware considerations, can come into play in these scenarios that are often abstracted away when accessing remote resources.

3393 questions
4 answers

How to keep the local file or the remote file during merge using Git and the command line?

I know how to merge modification using vimdiff, but, assuming I just know that the entire file is good to keep or to throw away, how do I do that? I don't want to open vimdiff for each of them, I change want a command that says 'keep local' or…
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5 answers

Load HTML file into WebView

I have a local html page along with several other resources pointed by it (css files and Javascript libraries) that I would like to load into a WebView . How could this be achieved ? Perhaps not the best way to procede but I'm still experimenting.
klaus johan
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13 answers

PHP server on local machine?

I'm trying to build a PHP site and I'm wanting to test my PHP files without uploading them to my host. Basically testing them on my own machine before I upload them. How do I do that?
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8 answers

How can I parse a local JSON file from assets folder into a ListView?

I'm currently developing a physics app that is supposed to show a list of formulas and even solve some of them (the only problem is the ListView) This is my main layout
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5 answers

How to securely save username/password (local)?

I'm making a Windows application, which you need to log into first. The account details consist of username and password, and they need to be saved locally. It's just a matter of security, so other people using the same computer can't see…
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6 answers

Can Chrome be made to perform an XSL transform on a local file?

I was looking into xslt and started testing with the examples on w3schools. However, when I save the xml and xsl in files and try opening them locally, chrome won't perform the xsl transform. It just shows a blank page. I have added…
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16 answers

How to save svg canvas to local filesystem

Is there a way to allow a user, after he has created a vector graph on a javascript svg canvas using a browser, to download this file to their local filesystem? SVG is a total new field for me so please be patient if my wording is not accurate.
dr jerry
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5 answers

Unable to start/launch local mongo db

I'm new to MongoDB. I currently have a dump of a mongo db (i.e. directory of .bson files) and am trying to import that into mongo. I installed mongo as per the instructions on I'm…
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10 answers

Access to Image from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy

I have JavaScript application in OpenLayers 3, and my base layer is created from local tiles. I work only in my computer so I do not know why I have CORS error. var newLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({ source: new ol.source.OSM({ url:…
Denis Stephanov
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2 answers

WebView load website when online, load local file when offline

I am actually new to programming in Java but I have been following several solutions to my problem here but didn't find one that suits my case and I can't seem to get the code down correctly. I would like to have a WebView that opens an online page…
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5 answers

python dictionary passed as an input to a function acts like a global in that function rather than a local

I am very confused by the behaviour below. Cases 1, 3, and 4 perform as I would expect, but case 2 does not. Why does case 2 allow the function to change the value of the dictionary entry globally, even though the dictionary is never returned by the…
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2 answers

Why does "local" sweep the return code of a command?

This Bash snippet works as I would've expected: $ fun1() { x=$(false); echo "exit code: $?"; } $ fun1 exit code: 1 But this one, using local, does not: $ fun2() { local x=$(false); echo "exit code: $?"; } $ fun2 exit code: 0 Can anyone explain why…
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11 answers

Load local images in React.js

I have installed React using create-react-app. It installed fine, but I am trying to load an image in one of my components (Header.js, file path: src/components/common/Header.js) but it's not loading. Here is my code: import React from 'react';…
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6 answers

Mocking methods of local scope objects with Mockito

I need some help with this: Example: void method1{ MyObject obj1=new MyObject(); obj1.method1(); } I want to mock obj1.method1() in my test but to be transparent so I don't want make and change of code. Is there any way to do this in…
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3 answers

Local Notifications in Android?

In iOS, a "Local Notification" is used by an app when it is in the background, to inform the user that something has happened, that they might want to pay attention to: Local notifications ... to inform users when new data becomes available for…
Arsalan Haider
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