Questions tagged [jenkins-plugins]

Jenkins is an open source continuous integration software. It is extensible by Plugins which are developed by the core team, users, and developers. There are currently 1300+ plugins available for Jenkins.

The complete list of plugins is available here.

What questions should have this tag?

Any questions about Jenkins plugins, plugin development, and plugin use may be tagged with jenkins-plugins.

To learn more about Jenkins plugins:

Visit "Extend Jenkins" and "Customize Jenkins"

6553 questions
21 answers

How to get a list of installed Jenkins plugins with name and version pair

How can I get a list of installed Jenkins plugins? I searched the Jenkins Remote Access API document, but it was not found. Should I use Jenkins' CLI? Is there a document or example?
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10 answers

Is there a way to keep Hudson / Jenkins configuration files in source control?

I am new to Hudson / Jenkins and was wondering if there is a way to check in Hudson's configuration files to source control. Ideally I want to be able to click some button in the UI that says 'save configuration' and have the Hudson configuration…
Yuval Roth
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12 answers

How to install a plugin in Jenkins manually

Installing a plugin from the Update center results in: Checking internet connectivity Failed to connect to Perhaps you need to configure HTTP proxy? Deploy Plugin Failure - Details hudson.util.IOException2: Failed to…
Kishore Tamire
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11 answers

Jenkins: Is there any way to cleanup Jenkins workspace?

How can I cleanup the workspace in Jenkins? I am using AccuRev as version control tool. I created freestyle projects in Jenkins.
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15 answers

Jenkins - HTML Publisher Plugin - No CSS is displayed when report is viewed in Jenkins Server

I have a strange problem with the Jenkins HTML Publisher plugin, wherein all the fancy CSS I have added to the report is stripped out when viewed in Jenkins. If I download the report to local, I am able to see the CSS formatting. Is there a setting…
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13 answers

gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found

I am trying to install Jenkins on Ubuntu 13.10 and I am getting the above mentioned error when i try to run the following command: wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
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5 answers

Execute Shell Script after post build in Jenkins

I am trying to execute a shell script if either the build pass or fails after post-build in Jenkins. I cannot see this option in post build to execute some shell script except for running a target.
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4 answers

Jenkins CI: How to trigger builds on SVN commit

What plugins and plugin features do I need to set in order to get my Jenkins job to trigger a build any time code is committed to an SVN project? I have installed both the standard SVN plugin as well as the SVN tagging plugin, but I do not see any…
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4 answers

Same workspace for multiple jobs

I have a job called "development" and another project called "code analysis". At the moment we have two different jobs and different workspaces, but same code; is there any way we could use the same workspace for multiple jobs?I checked the plugins…
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6 answers

Jenkins multiple artifacts for the same build

Is there a way to save/archive multiple artifacts from the same build? Jenkins only allows a single 'Archive the Artifacts' post build step, and grey's out the option after it has been used once. Maybe the ArtifactsArchiver's allows multiple…
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6 answers

What is the branch name variable for Jenkins multibranch pipelines?

I need to know which branch is being built in my Jenkins multibranch pipeline in order for it to run steps correctly. We are using a gitflow pattern with dev, release, and master branches that all are used to create artifacts. The dev branch auto…
Christian Rigdon
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8 answers

In Jenkins, how to checkout a project into a specific directory (using GIT)

Sorry for the 'svn' style - we are in a process of migration from SVN to GIT (including our CI Jenkins environment). What we need is to be able to make Jenkins to checkout (or should I say clone?) the GIT project (repository?) into a specific…
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4 answers

Job DSL Plugin Vs Pipeline Plugin

What is the major difference between Job DSL Plugin and Pipeline Plugin both provide way to programmatic job creation which is the best to use as moving ahead and why? if both have similar functionality, do they have different use cases? Since…
Mr.Pramod Anarase
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19 answers

'User is missing the Overall/Read permission' error with Jenkins GitHub OAuth Plugin

I'm using the github oauth plugin for our logins but for all of our users in the Organisation I get an error: Access Denied is missing the Overall/Read permission I have tried everything I can possibly think of to try to make this work and…
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4 answers

how can I know whether the plugin is used by any jobs in jenkins

Jenkins had 600+ plugins, in the real system, we are used to install lots of plugins. And sometimes, we want to remove some plugins to make system more clean or replace with another mature plugin (different name). This needs to make sure no one/no…
Larry Cai
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