Questions tagged [captiveportal]

Captive portals are pages to which users are redirected to until they are logged in.

125 questions
2 answers

How to specify wifi network with NetworkRequest.Builder().setNetworkSpecifier(string)

I am searching for a way to let an Android 5.0 tablet connect to an intranet which does not have internet connection for security reasons. Problem is the captive portal protection that Google build in android since 4.4/5.0. A call is done to…
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iPhone/ Android will not dismiss wifi landing page implemented with DNS

I am trying to implement a splash page/ wifi landing page on my existing public wifi network, using the DNS method mentioned in Wiki, in which I host a custom DNS server, that will redirect ALL dns lookup to a local address where a web server is…
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How to open default browser from captive on Android

We are developing WiFi authentication solution which should redirect user to the particular page after connection to the WiFi. On the Android devices we faces with the problem. Once user clicks on the notification into the widget, captive is getting…
Sergey Teplyakov
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Samsung phones ignore Captive Portal intent (

I want to setup an Activity that can be chosen to navigate a captive portal. When I select a WiFi network that is captive I want to be able to choose my app as the handler instead of starting the CaptivePortalLogin app that's preinstalled on every…
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Google OAuth 2.0 and Captive portal with Embedded browser

Both Android and IOS devices have a mechanism to detect captive portal on Guest Wifi networks. Whenever a captive portal is detected, these devices start an embedded browser in order to show up the captive portal. My captive portal allows my guest…
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Captive Portal inside Android App

Can anyone suggest how to open captive portal inside android app? i have gone through below links Using ACTION_CAPTIVE_PORTAL_SIGN_IN Can anyone have a complete guide to use…
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How to disable captive network assistant into android device?

When a user connects to an open WiFi with a Captive Portal, the Android device will open a browser instance with the captive portal/login page. We want to disable it, since we used an app for login purposes. I came across the CaptivePortal Class…
2 answers

Open browser in Android Captive Portal after sign in

I am making a captive portal for Android: the user connect to Wi-Fi the captive portal open with informations for login (302 of /generate_204) I post the informations and release the user to use internet (204 of /generate_204) THE PROBLEM: the…
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How to detect CaptivePortal network in android?

i want to detect captive portal network and want to redirect that network to my own webview (which contains custom keyboard). i tried with below code but its not working . i am testing on KitKat public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity…
Gaju Kollur
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How do I implement a simple Captive Portal with `http.server`?

I would like to serve a Captive Portal - page that would prompt the user to agree to certain terms before starting browsing the web from my wireless network (through WiFi) using http.server on my Raspberry Pi that runs the newest version of…
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1 answer

How to disable captive portal detection on Android 6.0?

Before, I just execute the command in terminal: settings put global captive_portal_server && settings put global captive_portal_detection_enabled 0 And everything worked fine. But now the captive portal window "Join Wifi" appears again,…
1 answer

How to redirect to default browser from captive portal (cna browser)

So, i have to redirect user from captive portal to browser, cause captive portal doesnt support japascript and cookies correctly. How anyone an idea? Thank you very much
3 answers

NEHotspotHelper: Not Able to Send Web Request in Authenticating State of Authentication State Machine

I have implemented the NEHotspotHelper so that I can perform authentication in the background for networks with a captive portal. I need to perform a web request in the 'authenticating' state so that I can retrieve the Wispr and also access an…
1 answer

iOS CNA on iOS 10.3 does not open links in Safari

I have a router that opens the Apple CNA on a captive portal with a button to accept the terms & conditions When the users accept the terms, the router unlocks the connection and redirect the user to a welcome page with a link. On iOS 10.2.1 when I…
Mattia Lancieri
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HTML5 Video not showing on Mac OS X (Desktop) CNA (Captive Network Assistant)

I'm building a captive portal for free wifi access. When user connects, the CNA pops up in the screen where my portal is loaded. Problem: HTML5 video is not being displayed in OS X desktop. Even iPhone can show it, desktop doesn't. I cannot even…
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