We are developing WiFi authentication solution which should redirect user to the particular page after connection to the WiFi.

On the Android devices we faces with the problem. Once user clicks on the notification into the widget, captive is getting opened and closed immediately and default browser is not getting opened.

Can someone advice what is the best way to do it? Or probably it is not even possible to open default browser from the captive directly?

We are using Mikrotik routers.

David L
  • 519
  • 4
  • 19
Sergey Teplyakov
  • 593
  • 6
  • 17

1 Answers1

  1. Just check witch IPs your CAPITAL PORTAL go after login.
  2. Block outpot on IPs in firewall.
  3. You must make your fireall on way that IPs is blocket for about 15secounds, and your ADD or REDIRECTION will work 15sec or witch time you set.