Questions tagged [captiveportal]

Captive portals are pages to which users are redirected to until they are logged in.

125 questions
1 answer

Does Nodogsplash on Raspberry Pi 3 support PHP?

I am setting up a captive portal using Nodogsplash, on a Raspberry Pi 3. The landing web page is a form with an action that points to a PHP file. While this works elsewhere, with Nodogsplash I get "Error 503". I am wondering if Nodogsplash supports…
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1 answer

Script in mikrotik to Login into public hotspot captive portal

i have a public hotspot captive portal that i want login automatically using my mikrotik router, the ideia is by cronjob or something perform a form post with the credencials to login into that public hotspot, then the mikrotik router will work as…
1 answer

how to set captive portal on mikrotik router?

I wanted to set up captive portal on mikrotik router,i have created a login.php page what i want is that whenever any user connects to the hotspot then they should get redirected to login.php page.
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Not resolving domain with CoovaChilli: dropping malformed DNS

I have CoovaChilli on Raspbian, with the DNS, DHCP and web server running altogether. I need to resolve a domain named When I start the system with CoovaChilli disabled I can access But when CoovaChilli is…
Diego Andrade
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1 answer

Public Wifi Hotspot Captive Portal + freeRadius + MySQL, any example of a build from scratch solution?

Anybody have a sample from scratch of building a public wifi hotspo, complete with captive portal, freeRadius, MySQL.
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