Questions tagged [nehotspothelper]

The NEHotspotHelper interface allows an iOS app to participate in the process of joining Wi-Fi/hotspot networks. Such an app is referred to as a Hotspot Helper. A Hotspot Helper receives commands to be processed in the background that allow it to participate in the Hotspot Network state machine.

The NEHotspotHelper interface allows an iOS app to participate in the process of joining Wi-Fi/hotspot networks. Such an app is referred to as a Hotspot Helper. A Hotspot Helper receives commands to be processed in the background that allow it to participate in the Hotspot Network state machine. We need to request the entitlements from Apple to be able to use this API

40 questions
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CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo with iOS 13

Apple changed some things regarding WiFi with iOS 13. If you want to use CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo your app needs to have one of the following Apps with permission to access location Your app is the currently enabled VPN app Your app configured the…
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iOS 11.0 - Periodically scan for SSIDs (WiFi) nearby

I would like to scan for nearby SSIDs of the Wi-Fi networks periodically (without connecting to it) and implement an SSID filter (one or multiple). Once a match is found a back-end API call is initiated. 
I have done a quick research on the Hotspot…
Shamsudheen TK
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NEHotspotConfigurationManager getting this alert:"Unable to join the network" while error is nil

So i am trying to monitor the connection status by closers : func reconnect(success: @escaping () -> Void, failure: @escaping () -> Void) { let manager = NEHotspotConfigurationManager.shared let ssid = let…
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NEHotspotConfigurationManager no error for invalid password/SSID

When I use NEHotspotConfigurationManager to connect to a WiFi access point, and I intentionally use an invalid password or SSID, I don't get the programmatic feedback I expect. The user receives feedback that the connection failed via an alert, but…
Kyle Redfearn
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How can I get available WiFi list with NEHotspotHelper (IOS, objective-c)

I have already done this. 1. Add IOS certificate in Apple Developer page. 2. Add identifiers App IDs with Network Extension enabled in Apple Developer page. 3. Add provisioning profile in Apple Developer page. 4. Create the Xcode project and type…
Kim sunny
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How to get SSID of currently connected Wifi Network in swift | iOS 14?

I need to get ssid of currently connected network. The reason I need this is to enable my app to perform certain functions when connected to a specific network. Now I cant seem to figure it out as in how to get the ssid? I've read online and…
Abu Bäkr
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NEHotspotHelper: Not Able to Send Web Request in Authenticating State of Authentication State Machine

I have implemented the NEHotspotHelper so that I can perform authentication in the background for networks with a captive portal. I need to perform a web request in the 'authenticating' state so that I can retrieve the Wispr and also access an…
1 answer

NEHotspotHelper.register not received call back iOS11

I am working on NEHotspotHelper and trying to register but not receiving call back. Firstly, I enabled Capability : Network Extensions Then added this following code, let options: [String: NSObject] = [kNEHotspotHelperOptionDisplayName :…
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NEHotspotConfigurationManager not creating/joining hotspot

I am trying to create/add a Hotspot configuration in iOS 11 installed device. My code is as follows let hotspotConfig = NEHotspotConfiguration(ssid: "testNetwork") hotspotConfig.joinOnce =…
Pawan Joshi
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ERROR ITMS-90514: "Missing Code Signing Entitlement. Use of the 'network-authentication' background mode in 'Payload/'

My app has added the WiFi configuration function. All the relevant permissions have been configured, and there is no problem with the package test. But when preparing to pack and upload to the app store, ERROR ITMS-90514: "Missing Code Signing…
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Connect to the Wi-Fi network from within the app without internet access

I am developing hotspot helper application which tries to connect to the captive network after connecting to it, I need to handle the authentication within the app. Approach 1 I used NEHotspotConfigurationManager in order to programmatically connect…
Muhammad Zeeshan
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swift - auto connect hotspot

I know it has been asked before but I am asking again to make sure I didn't miss anything. I am currently using the next code in order to connect a specific hotspot. This prompt a message to the user - let configuration =…
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Programmatically set wifi hotspot password

I want to set my wifi hotspot password programmatically for my application so that user don't have to go to the setting menu to check their password. I am already using NEHotspotNetwork, where it set the password, but here, we need to set the…
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Call to NEHotspotHelper.register never returns

I am working on an iOS app which has a requirement to automatically connect to a WiFi network. We had requested for a NEHotspotHelper extension from Apple which is approved. Now I am trying to auto connect to the WiFi network around. But the call to…
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Flutter: Get list of all Near by WiFi networks

I am working on one IoT application, and I have to connect my IoT device with the wifi network using Flutter application similar to Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Alexa. For the same, I required all available wifi lists in the network. So Is it…
Dhaval Kansara
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