Questions tagged [blackberry-cascades]

BlackBerry Cascades framework contains tools and APIs that you can use to build rich applications using Cascades libraries and Qt libraries.

The Cascades framework includes the following:

Cascades UI and platform APIs

You can use the Cascades UI APIs to create stunning interactions, while the platform APIs provide access to the underlying features of the BlackBerry Application Platform. You can use the Cascades UI and platform APIs to do almost anything you need to create great apps, including:

  • Develop your UI in C++, Qt Modeling Language (QML), or both
  • Take advantage of core UI controls, or expand on them and create your own custom controls
  • Communicate over mobile and Wi-Fi networks
  • Record and play media files
  • Store and retrieve data
  • Manage certificates and use cryptographic protocols

Cascades Builder

Cascades Builder is built into the QNX Momentics IDE and lets you design your UI using a visual interface. When you change the code that represents your UI, you can see the effects immediately in the design view.


The Cascades framework is built using the Qt application framework. This architecture allows Cascades to leverage the Qt object model, event model, and threading model. The slots and signals mechanism in Qt allows for powerful and flexible inter-object communication. The Cascades framework incorporates features of fundamental Qt classes (such as QtCore, QtNetwork, QtXml, and QtSql, and others) and builds on them.

Source Code

Sample Source Code at Developer Site

Cascades-Samples Code at Github

Cascades-Community-Samples at Github


1. Documentation

381 questions
3 answers

How can I find syntax errors in QML files?

I'm doing development for Blackberry 10 using Cascades, which includes QT and QML. I find that I sometimes make mistakes in my QML file, but they don't get picked up at compilation time. How can I check whether I've made a syntax error, or mis-named…
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Blackberry 10 screenshot error

I am trying to use bb:system::screenshot like so request.setTarget(""); // Set the action that the target app should execute request.setAction("bb.action.VIEW"); // Set the MIME type of the data …
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How can I add more items to a ListView before reaching the end of the list on a BB10 app?

I have a listview that starts off with 50 items, and I want to add more as the user scrolls through the list, but before they reach the end of the list. I've been using the atEnd property to know when I'm at the end of the list, and adding more…
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2 answers

make: *** No rule to make target `Device-Debug'. Stop.

i am using QNX momentics for blackberry development. The problem is whenever i download any sample code and run it on Simulator. then error comes to me. When i clean the project it give me Error **** Clean-only build of configuration…
1 answer

cascades and signals / slots

I'm running around in circles about this. Just can't wrap my head around signals and slots. Just looking for some mechanism that can automatically update my UI when a signal in my C++ occurs. Example: I have two labels in Qml that have text:…
James Perih
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4 answers

Blackberry 10 cascades - Check Internet connectivity

I am developing an application for BB-10 using web service. In this I want to parse JSON in both the get and post methods and I want to check the Internet availability. How can I do this?
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BlackBerry OpenCV Compiling New Versions

I want to compile OpenCV v2.4.11 for a BB10 native app What I tried: Track 1: Using the already built android version of OpenCV 2.4.11. After solving all the dynamic links that I could i just had a couple of link errors with the kernel(found some…
1 answer

Blackberry 10 Cascades - Images inside Text Area

I am designing an application that needs to replace some text inside of a TextArea with an Image. For example, if I enter a phone Number that exists on the Native contacts list, I need to replace the text on the text Area with an Image and be able…
1 answer

Need to draw Transparent qimage that includes drawing of a circle using Qt

I am trying to draw a transparent image using QImage but everytime it gives black background. I have a image background,on that I want to draw a circle which should be trasparent(with no background).How can I do that? I have used this code QImage…
2 answers

BB 10 Cascades qml sending a simple email

I found one example in the the git hub for BB 10 for sending an email, but it looks pretty complicated and alot done in C. does anyone have an example on how to send a quick email using QML. I don't need any buttons or text fields, just hard coded…
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1 answer

How do I react to a QML button click in C++

I am trying to launch a different QML Page from my C++ code by hooking into the clicked() slot of a button in my QML but it's not working. Button { objectName: btnLogin text: qsTr("Login") id: btnLogin } And the…
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2 answers

How to round image downloaded from web in blackberry cascades using qml

I have a listview that displays a list of userdetails on right and profile pic on left which I get from back end. For downloading and loading the image I'm using a webviewsample image class from github and it works fine. Now I'm need to make the…
Francis F
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2 answers

How can I ellipsis a Text in BB 10 Cascades?

I'm developing a BlackBerry 10 mobile application using the Momentics IDE (native SDK). I have a Label which has fixed width. If a Text does not fit in this Label, I want it to be ellipsis (elliding the text with the conventional "..." at the end)…
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1 answer

Cascades camera error on Blackberry emulator : ViewFinder starting failed

I am trying to open a camera in Blackberry Cascades 10.2 import bb.cascades.multimedia 1.0 import bb.multimedia 1.0 import bb.cascades 1.2 import bb.system 1.2 Page { titleBar: TitleBar { title: "QML Camera Sample App" } content : Camera…
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1 answer

Blackberry Cascades SystemDialog theme

I'm using this manual to create ok/cancel modal dialog box in my Blackberry 10 application. I defined dialog in QML and called .show() method. The dialog works well, but it always uses bright(white) theme. Even if current theme set to dark and all…
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