Questions tagged [blackberry-simulator]

Use BlackBerry device simulators to demonstrate and test how the BlackBerry device software, screen, keyboard and trackwheel will work with your application. These simulators will also simulate behavior in various wireless network conditions. Device simulators are great tools for testing, training and for use in presentations.

Use BlackBerry device simulators to demonstrate and test how the BlackBerry device software, screen, keyboard and trackwheel will work with your application. These simulators will also simulate behavior in various wireless network conditions. Device simulators are great tools for testing, training and for use in presentations.

When integrated with the BlackBerry JDE, device simulators can run and debug applications developed in the BlackBerry JDE.

Each simulator package represents a publicly available application version and contains simulators for multiple BlackBerry devices.

More information here.

587 questions
2 answers

Javascript Date.parse returning NaN in blackberry browser

This is the code I am trying to run in blackberry simulator browser (OS V6.0).