Questions tagged [blackberry-simulator]

Use BlackBerry device simulators to demonstrate and test how the BlackBerry device software, screen, keyboard and trackwheel will work with your application. These simulators will also simulate behavior in various wireless network conditions. Device simulators are great tools for testing, training and for use in presentations.

Use BlackBerry device simulators to demonstrate and test how the BlackBerry device software, screen, keyboard and trackwheel will work with your application. These simulators will also simulate behavior in various wireless network conditions. Device simulators are great tools for testing, training and for use in presentations.

When integrated with the BlackBerry JDE, device simulators can run and debug applications developed in the BlackBerry JDE.

Each simulator package represents a publicly available application version and contains simulators for multiple BlackBerry devices.

More information here.

587 questions
1 answer

BlackBerry read json string from an URL

I tried to read a json string loading from an URL, but I could not find complete code sample. Can any one provide or point me to a complete client code. I'm newer to BB development. this is what I have done but still can't get it work please help…
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Blackberry json parser

I want to create a simple json parser for BlackBerry to test. I found this example, and implement my code as follows import; import; import java.util.Vector; import…
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Add external SD Card in BlackBerry simulator

I want to add the external SD Card in my BlackBerry simulator for creating the data base.I'm using this way to add - 1.create folder and give name-SDCard. the simulator click on-simulate. 3.choose change SD Card. your folder…
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blackberry 7 at vmplayer

URL to download blackberry 7 to install in VMplayer . I need to test our SenchTouch app in Blackberry 7 . At simulator senchtouch is not working .
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How to built the blackberry project in eclipse using various OS version?

I am using blackberry java plugin for eclipse for development & as i downloaded latest version of comes with os version 7 but i want to built my application using os version 5,6 etc.but i am not having idea about it so is anybody can tell me…
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how to store data in vector?

i am new in black berry i have no idea how to store data in blackberry use of vector. and i need to store this data so please help me. { "menu": { "id": "Home", "menuitem": [ { "type": "form", …
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getting nullpointer exception when click on button

I am use a button and when u click this button a text field is automatic created and button status is automatic disable but if u click on disable button text field is automatic delete and button status is changed to enable.i going through this…
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Creating CUSTOM DROP DOWN in native blackberry

I am new in blackberry native programming. I wann create a Custom Dropdoen list, I took reference from this link dropdown list but not getting the exact output. My requirment is It should look like the nativ dropdown, with custom look.
2 answers

@ validation for email in BlackBerry

I am developing a form where the user needs to enter a valid email. He/she will use it as a loginid to play the game.I want to know how can I validate the username containing @, similar to string.contains function. I learnt we can use…
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Unable to send email with BlackBerry simulator

I'm using the Blackberry simulator,trying to send a message still cannot send email messages from the how to send email in BlackBerry Simulator...
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Menu item events

I want to create a menu in my application with one menuitem. When the user clicks in the menuitem, a Screen must be loaded. I am new in Blackberry so please help.
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IBM Worklight 6.0 application not working in Blackberry 7 Simulator

I have installed the Worklight 6.0 and Blackberry 7 SDK + Simulator. When I package and Launch to the Blackberry Simulator, Application is deployed to the simulator. But the app stuck with the IBM Logo[Splash screen]. I have deleted the app…
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Cursor is not moving when entering text

I am usuing edit field, but when I type any text in this field, then cursor in not moving with the text, It is showing typed text, but cursor position still remains on start . I am using Os 6 and Os 7/7.1. Please let me know for the…
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how to load an image from url in balckberry

Possible Duplicate: Show Images from URL in blackberry Hi am trying to laod an image directly from url in balckberry. there is no option in balckberry to call directly. is something there to do so.kindly guide me.
1 answer

How to parse JSON Data in BlackBerry?

How to parse JSON data in BlackBerry? Need help to parse following data. { "menu": { "id": "Home", "menuitem": [ { "type": "form", "name": "Order", "url":…
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