Questions tagged [blackberry-jde]

Blackberry Java Development Environment

The BlackBerry Java Development Environment (BlackBerry JDE) is a fully integrated development environment and simulation tool for building Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java® ME) applications for Java® based BlackBerry smartphones.

It’s a Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) compliant Java ME environment for developers who wish to maintain seamless portability in their wireless applications. In addition, the BlackBerry JDE provides a full suite of interfaces and utilities to take advantage of some of the unique features of the BlackBerry smartphone.

More information here.

498 questions
1 answer

Packaging Blackberry OAuth app throwing error

I am creating an application that will post a link onto Twitter. The following code refuses to package up for me, throwing the following error: Error: Cannot run program "jar": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified Here…
1 answer

How can I change the background image of a field manager while focus change in BlackBerry Java

I'm a newbie to blackberry and creating menu with options. Each option contains a bitmap image and label. This is the code for the first menu item: hmf1_vfm1 = new VerticalFieldManager(Field.FIELD_HCENTER | …
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BlackBerry - use own JAR file in own project

(I have solved my problem, so have edited it to look more like a blog post - the final working solution has been placed as an "answer" below.) Aim I want to package our BB libraries (v4.5 OR v5.0) into JAR format, so we can give application source…
Richard Le Mesurier
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2 answers

how to run blackberry emulator on mac

How to run blackberry application on mac in eclipse? I have downloaded the eclipse with blackberry plugin installed in it... But i am facing problem when i am running new Hello Project in eclipse... I can't find blackberry simulator to run my…
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Default list of fonts which supports android,ios and blackberry operating systems

Scenario We are group of friends whom developing the applications for android, blackberry and ios operating systems, we are in need to implement the font family changes in our application. What I need: Is there any common list of fonts which are…
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Open a specific email in the blackberry email app

I am trying to get a blackberry message by subject and open it in the default email app. I have this so far: Store store = Session.waitForDefaultSession().getStore(); Folder folder = store.getFolder("Inbox"); Message[] msgs =…
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avoid showing menu on button click

In my application there is a button and when the button is clicked the context menu pops up. How can I avoid having the context menu show up? protected void makeMenu(Menu menu, int context){ menu.add(_imageMenuItem); super.makeMenu(menu,…
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3 answers

Turn on Flash as Light on Blackberry

I am new to BlackBerry application development and trying to make a simple application to turn my flash light on as a torch. I know there are several applications that do this already, but I would like to try do it on my own. I have installed…
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BlackBerry App: Screen Not Showing Up In Auto Run Mode

I am trying to create a background app which will run at system startup. When I run it manually (from the ribbon), the screen appears but when I run the app after making it a startup app (Auto-run on startup option in descriptor), nothing appears on…
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How to get a list of background processes on BlackBerry

I'm looking for something corresponding to net.rim.device.api.system.ApplicationManager.getVisibleApplications(), but including applications that might not/do not have a UI. Any ideas? Unreasonably complicated work-around solutions welcome, I'm…
Tim Perry
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Blackberry: Speeding up Simulator start

Running any Blackberry Simulator for the JDE takes forever to launch. Any ideas on speeding it up? I see that it looks through a bunch of generic files while booting up, can I strip it down? All I want to do is test my app, which only relies on…
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How to create blackberry screen slide animation similar to Blackberry App World?

does anyone knows how to use the blackberry JDE API to create a screen slide animation similar to Featured Items screen in the Blackberry App World? I am aware that in blackberry 5.0, there are some transition apis to perform that. But I am looking…
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BlackBerry OS 7.1 secured TLS connection is closed after very short time

Problem summary: Same client-server configuration, same network topology, same device (Bold 9900) - works perfectly well on OS 7.0 but doesn't work as expected on OS 7.1 and the secured tls connection is being closed by the server after a very short…
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One build for two different versions (4.6,4.7 and 5.0+above) in blackberry

I want to import facebook libraries for blackberry 5.0 and above and don't want to import those libraries for 4.6 and 4.7. I tried to use preprocessors for 4.7 and above by following below…
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How to change sdk version of application in blackberry

I am using Eclipse to develop a BlackBerry app for BBOS 6.0. I now want to support BBOS 5.0 instead of 6.0. How do I do this?
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