Questions tagged [azure-webjobs-triggered]

65 questions
2 answers

Scheduled .NET WebJob V3 example

I've upgraded my .NET (not .NET Core) WebJob from V2 (which was working fine) to V3. I'm having trouble getting it to run. I just want the webjob to call a function I've written according to this CRON schedule: "0 0 8,10,12,14,16,18,20 * * *". The…
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Azure WebJob not sending SignalR message to Azure SignalR service

I have an Asp.Net Core Api 3.1 and an Azure WebJob, both running on an Azure App Service. Both of them have a need to send notifications and neither will be receiving messages. To break it down: I have a single instance of the Azure SignalR Service…
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Azure WebJobs not listing in Azure Kudo Portal

I'm trying to edit my configuration app.config from the Azure WebJob. I currently have 2 web jobs that configured to run as on-demand (Cron Scheduled) My Jobs are working perfectly fine. But When I try to view the source code of my web jobs through…
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Multiple Azure Webjobs

I have this Azure App where I am hosting a Webjob. Whenever I start the app, it runs fine with just 1 Webjob and everything works fine. But as time goes by, out of nowhere, there appears another webjob which is the exact copy of the required…
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Azure Scheduled Web job is triggering twice sometimes

We have an Azure WebJob which is scheduled to run at 8:00 AM UTC daily(CRON - 0 00 08 * * *).Most of the days it is triggering correctly but on some days it is triggering twice (Second run is occurring ~10 secs after first run ). I can see in the…
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Why does my Time trigger webjob keep running?

I have a Webjob that I want to be time triggered: public class ArchiveFunctions { private readonly IOrderArchiver _orderArchiver; public ArchiveFunctions(IOrderArchiver orderArchiver) { _orderArchiver = orderArchiver; } …
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Is it possible to publish a Webjob as "Triggered" type as well as "Continuous" type

I have a console application that has been converted to a Webjob. There are a lot of functionalities in the webjob that is required to be run once a every night(midnight). However, there is also a specific need that the same Webjob should be…
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Supported bindings for Singleton scopeId on HTTP Trigger Azure Function

I am unclear on how the scopeId parameter of the SingletonAttribute works. Specifically does the scopeId parameter work for HTTP Trigger Azure Functions when you bind it to a route parameter? How does the binding work? What variables/values can I…
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How to read Cron Expression from appsettings.json in .Net core Web Jobs

I have developed .Net Core 2.2 Azure Web Job project which is having multiple timer trigger functions. One function is run on every 15 minutes and other one is run on every 10 minutes. public async Task…
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System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException while receiving message from Azure Service Bus

I have two separate applications one .Net Core other in .Net Framework. I have created a service bus sender in .Net core console application. It is sending message to service bus using latest Microsoft.Azure.Webjobs and…
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Azure triggered webjob aborted some times

I had developed a time triggered Azure Web Job and published into Azure with Triggered type. Everything working fine but sometimes the web job goes into shutdown state without logging any exception information in web job dashboard logs and kudu…
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QueueTrigger is not picking messages- Azure WebJobs SDK 3.0

I'm trying to develop WebJob using SDK 3.0.x, and testing it locally. I've followed the sample in github without any success. When running it locally everything is going ok, it also see the ProcessQueueMessage function but it doesn't pick the…
2 answers

Get Singleton behavior on WebJobs with custom queue processors

My team has been trying to get some of our WebJobs custom queue processors to have Singleton behavior, but we haven't really gotten that behavior with the [Singleton(Mode = SingletonMode.Listener)] attribute, nor with setting…
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azure webjob- timerTrigger: Get current execution context?

I have written a azure webjob which has timerTrigger. The static method gets called every minute and it has to make http POST request. I want to access the appSettings.json file within the timerTrigger static method. How can I access it? I see…
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.net core azure WebJob 3.0.3 UseTimers missing

I'm attempting to setup a new webjob using .net core 2.1 and I'm running into an issue where UseTimers() appears to be missing when I try to configure the job. For the life of me I can't seem to find anything that will point me in the right…
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