Questions tagged [azure-signalr]

Questions about the Microsoft Azure SignalR Service

Azure SignalR Service simplifies the process of adding real-time web functionality to applications over HTTP. This real-time functionality allows the service to push content updates to connected clients, such as a single page web or mobile application. As a result, clients are updated without the need to poll the server, or submit new HTTP requests for updates.

133 questions
4 answers

Why is Azure SignalR Service recommended when deploying a Blazor Server Side app?

When I publish a Blazor Server Side app on Azure, Visual Studio prompts a message that says: Your application is making use of SignalR. For environments that need to scale we strongly recommend adding a dependency on Azure SignalR Service. However,…
1 answer

What is the difference between Default/Serverless/Classic settings in Azure SignalR?

I have set up the Azure SignalR Service for REST API. There are three modes under settings: Default, Serverless, Classic. I can't find any information about what each of these items sets. The only one thing I got so far, that if I use Azure SignalR…
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SignalR .NET Client connecting to Azure SignalR Service in a Blazor .NET Core 3 application

I'm trying to make a connection between my ASP.NET Core 3.0 Blazor (server-side) application and the Azure SignalR Service. I'll end up injecting my SignalR client (service) in to a few Blazor components so they'll update my UI/DOM in realtime. My…
Jason Shave
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Azure SignalR Error: (429) Too Many Requests

I am using Azure SignalR with Asp.Net MVC API (with .net framework not .net core) project. I can never connect to Azure's SignalR service (tried any possible configuration) while everything works fine when signalr is self-hosted. As I enable CLR…
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How can I check how many connections are in a Group in my Azure SignalR service?

I am trying to implement Azure SignalR Service to facilitate two way messaging between a desktop, and a xamarin.ios apps. I have created a Hub as per Microsoft's documentation…
Dmitry Samuylov
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Azure SignalR Service Connection is not active

I updated our signalr packages from 2.4.0 and added RunAzureSignalR instead of RunSignalR. Added this code in de Startup.cs app.Map("/signalr", map => { var hubConfiguration = new HubConfiguration { EnableDetailedErrors = true …
Youp Hulsebos
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Angular 6 SignalR gives "WebSocket is not in the OPEN state" on start connection

I have installed @aspnet/signalr in my Angular 6 project I tried all the other options found in stack-over flow for the signalr issue. Below is my service code: import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import * as signalR from…
Anish K Pillai
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Messages not coming thru to Azure SignalR Service

I'm implementing Azure SignalR service in my ASP.NET Core 2.2 app with React front-end. When I send a message, I'm NOT getting any errors but my messages are not reaching the Azure SignalR service. To be specific, this is a private chat application…
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3 answers

SignalR HubConnection.StartAsync exception: GetStreamItemType in Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client.Core, v1.1.0.0 does not have implementation

Using .Net Core Signal R, Azure SignalR. Code used to work. Stopped working. Fails at await MyHubConnection.StartAsync(); Throws exception System.TypeLoadException: 'Method 'GetStreamItemType' in type 'ConnectionState' from assembly…
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0 answers

Azure Signalr Service Connection issue

My .NET Core Web API (Version 2.2 )project Can't able to successfully make connection with Azure SignalR service (free tier). its showing some error is like "Failed to connect to the service, will retry after the back off period. Error detail:…
2 answers

Using ASP.NET Core SignalR in .NET Console Client App to Receive Messages from Azure SignalR

I am learning SignalR but have hit a road block. I have an Azure function which is successfully posting to Azure SignalR Hosted Service (configured in Serverless Mode) I've been following this quickstart: Quickstart: Create a chat room with Azure…
0 answers

Why Azure SignalR Service doesn’t provide Diagnostic or Logs?

Azure Monitor diagnostic logs are logs emitted by Azure services that describe the operation of those services or resources. All diagnostic logs available through Azure Monitor share a common top-level schema, with flexibility for each service to…
Sudipta Kumar Maiti
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1 answer

How does a console app connect to Azure SignalR Server to get notifications from my Web API

I am a little bit confused on how my console application connects to Azure SignalR Server to receive the notifications that I am sending through my ASP.NET Core Web API application. In the startup of my API I do what is…
1 answer

Adding/removing users to signalR groups in .NET 5.0

The following code has been working in .netcoreapp3.1 but it stopped working after migrating the Http-triggered function to .NET 5.0: public static class AddToGroup { [Function("addtogroup")] public static Task Run( …
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Azure WebJob not sending SignalR message to Azure SignalR service

I have an Asp.Net Core Api 3.1 and an Azure WebJob, both running on an Azure App Service. Both of them have a need to send notifications and neither will be receiving messages. To break it down: I have a single instance of the Azure SignalR Service…
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