Questions tagged [azure-webjobs-continuous]

50 questions
3 answers

Start and Stop of continuous Azure webJob with Azure WebApp Rest API results in 404 Error

I deployed a continuous WebJobs to my existing Azure WebApp using DevOps. It is up and running. When I tried to stop the webJob in the Azure web frontend it did not work. So I used the stop Command of the Azure WebApp API. POST…
1 answer

Azure Web Job Not Triggering When Messages are added to the queue

I am attempting to diagnose the root cause of unwanted behavior exhibited by an Azure Web Job I am running. The Facts: I have a an Azure Web Job that works most of the time, however every couple of days it just stops processing messages. CPU and…
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Azure WebJob: i am calling a sql server stored procedure from web job

I have to run a stored procedure from azure webjob in continous mode. I have written the code in c# and deployed the same in my development environment. After monitoring for 3 or 4 days i found, the webjobs aborts if stored procedure runs for long…
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Deploying multiple Web job on same app service using pipeline , replacing all with last one

build artifacts contains separate folders for both the web jobs and included into the release pipelines. When trying to deploy then on same app service using pipeline actually replacing all existing with the last web job deployed. Tasks for both job…
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WebJobs 3.0 Dependency Injection AddScoped per function call

With WebJobs 3.0, they propose to use the Dependency Injection via ConfigureServices() However, the services added with AddScoped() are behaving the exact same way as AddSingleton(): they are configured for the lifetime of the WebJob. I would prefer…
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Is it possible to publish a Webjob as "Triggered" type as well as "Continuous" type

I have a console application that has been converted to a Webjob. There are a lot of functionalities in the webjob that is required to be run once a every night(midnight). However, there is also a specific need that the same Webjob should be…
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Azure Webjob stops for no reason

I have an continuous webjob that is supposed to run until I stop it. I rely on this condition, but for some reason this phenomena happens to me: [01/19/2021 09:57:51 > 44ab83: SYS INFO] Detected WebJob file/s were updated, refreshing…
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In an Azure WebJob using the message bus extension can we tell it to stop picking up messages

Is there a way to tell the host to stop picking up messages from the queue? Or is there a hook in the service bus extension we can use to stop messages from being picked up? There are two use cases I can think of. Graceful shutdown and also if we…
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Azure creates duplicate webjobs for Scheduled and Continuous

I have a scheduled web job created in Azure app service developed using C#. I want to change my web job from scheduled to continuous, but upon deploying the web job from visual studio it created a new instance of the web job in the Azure…
2 answers

Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.StorageException: 'The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request

I have created a new project in VS 2017 using Azure Webjobs ( .NET Framework ) template. After that I have included valid values for AzureWebJobsDashboard and AzureWebJobsStorage in App.config file. After running the sample I am getting below error…
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azure webjob- timerTrigger: Get current execution context?

I have written a azure webjob which has timerTrigger. The static method gets called every minute and it has to make http POST request. I want to access the appSettings.json file within the timerTrigger static method. How can I access it? I see…
2 answers

Call Azure API from WebJob/ Shared code between WebJob and web api

I have a web api in an ASE and an associated web job. I am trying to call this web api from the web job but it always fails with winhttpexception: a security error has occurred. I have put in all the tls related settings but still getting the error.…
1 answer

Azure Portal web jobs performance time

I understand that my question is not really specific and that it has no clear answer, but I need help to figure out where to start looking. So we work on portal azure and have a web job that takes messages from a queue, and processes them; for some…
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Why Azure Queue messages live for less than a few seconds?

On Azure (or from VS) the dialog for creating new messages inside a queue says the message expires in 7 days, yet it is gone in less than a few seconds. Why? (I created a continuous running WebJob as described in this article)
0 answers

Instantiate IAsyncCollectors to manually invoke webjob function

Is it possible to invoke a webjobs function, whose arguments consist of IAsyncCollectors decorated by e.g. [Queue] or [EventHub] attributes, passing in the same type of collectors to the function as the webjobs SDK would? For example, we want to…
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