Questions tagged [webjob]

Used in cloud hosting services like Microsoft Azure

150 questions
3 answers

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation

I am getting this error whenever I try and run a webjob project with application insight and entity framework. System.IO.FileLoadException: 'Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation, Version=, …
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4 answers

How to deploy Azure WebJob as part of automatic VSTS deployment

Is there a way of having my Azure WebJob automatically deploy without needing to right click and select "Publish as Azure WebJob" every time? i.e. when I check-in my solution it is automatically deploy to the Azure Portal webjob section
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How to Scale Azure Webjobs

I know that webjob scales with webapp i.e. if my webapp is running on 5 instances then webjobs will run on 5 instances as well. I just want to know if there is a way of having multiple instances of the webjob within each instance of the…
Shahriar Hossain
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4 answers

Configurable Timer Triggers - Azure Web Jobs

I'm building a job to trigger at some regular interval (say 1 minute). I've successfully used triggered web jobs with time-span hard coded in the functions. public void foo([TimerTrigger("00:01:00")] TimerInfo timer) Now if I ever want to change…
Manikanta Dornala
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1 answer

.NET Core Azure WebJobs does not read from Azure Application Settings

I have an app service running with it's respective ConnectionString from Azure Portal. The ConnectionString is point to Azure SQL Server. I have a WebJob with the following appsettings.json { "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Add…
Dawa Law
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2 answers

Cron expression which run on the last day of the every month

I need to create a cron expression that will run on the every last day of every month. I need this for scheduling the webjob. I am using this expression but the webjob is not taking L for finding Last day of the every month. "0 0 11 L * *" Thanks.
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Azure Scheduler fails to trigger OnDemand WebJob published with WebApp

Some time ago, I used Visual Studio (2015) to create a WebApp, a console app and link that console app as OnDemand WebJob to the WebApp. I published the whole to Azure and the website, the WebJob and the Scheduler Job worked perfectly. Last week, I…
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Wait time for queue-triggered Azure Functions is very high compared to equivalent Webjobs

I've migrated queue-triggered Azure Webjobs to Azure Functions. Based on my measurements the wait time to pluck messages off the queue is 5X to 60X+ (yes really) longer with the Functions. In Webjob land, I observed that with BatchSize,…
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azure webjob on containerized app service

Is it possible to create a webjob on a dockerized app service in Azure? Background: I have an app service plan in Azure on East1, Linux OS, S1 Tier pricing. On that plan I have a dockerized app service running a super simple Node.js app. The Node…
Mike Baron
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3 answers

No route registered for '/api/continuouswebjobs/WebJobsName/run'

Main Issue: "No route registered for '/api/continuouswebjobs/WebJobName/run'" or /stop or /start but that is what is offered on the Azure portal under the webhook copy to clip board button if you are under a webjob menu under your webjob…
4 answers

How to programmatically mark an Azure WebJob as failed?

Is there a way to mark a WebJob (triggered, not continuous) as failed, without throwing an exception? I need to check that certain conditions are true to mark the job as successful.
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ILogger logs to app insights locally but not on azure

The following code work on my machine locally. That means all log statements are in app insights after some minutes... When I deploy the application with Publish as Webjob all gets deployed BUT there are no log statement of the triggered webjob…
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3 answers

Azure WebJob deployment keeps failing

Since yesterday I'm suddenly having consistent deployment failures for my existing WebJobs. The error I'm getting is Start Web Deploy Publish the Application/package to…
1 answer

Azure WebJob automatically gets aborted

I have a a WebJob project developed in .NET C#, which I deploy on Azure through Visual Studio 2015. The WebJob is scheduled with CRON "0 0 7 1 * *" (to run at 1st day of the every month at 7am) on the settings.job file. After it is deployed and…
2 answers

Subscribe and process events from RabbitMQ in Azure

For my new project every component is going to be deployed in Azure. I have a 3rd party application that processes events using RabbitMQ and I want to subscribe to these events and process them to store the data in the events in my own database. …
Marcel Hoekstra
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