Questions tagged [azure-queues]

Microsoft Azure (formerly Windows Azure before March 25, 2014) is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure, created by Microsoft, for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers. Azure Queue storage is used for transporting messages between applications as normally we can consider a MSMQ do that in cloud.

Azure Queue Storage is a service for storing large numbers of messages. You access messages via authenticated calls using HTTP or HTTPS. A queue message can be up to 64 KB in size. Queues are commonly used to create a backlog of work to process asynchronously.

Azure Queues documentation

Tagging Recommendation:

Use the tag, for all Azure Queue Storage-related questions.

363 questions
9 answers

Determining how many messages are on the Azure Service Bus Queue

I know there is a way to determine the number of messages (or approximate number) in the Azure Queue (Store Account); however is there a way to query for the number of pending messages on an Azure Service Bus queue?
2 answers

Azure Service Bus and Messaging Sessions

I've been looking into Azure Service Bus Queues (NOT Azure Storage Queues). All of the details that I have read indicate that it supports FIFO semantics, but only in the context of a "Messaging Session". The problem is that I can't seem to find any…
Erick T
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Unable to get queue length / message count from Azure

I have a Use Case where I need to queue a select number of messages when the current queue length drops below a specified value. Since I'm running in Azure, I'm trying to use the RetrieveApproximateMessageCount() method to get the current message…
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How long does a Message stay hidden in an Azure Queue before it gets made visible again?

With any normal Azure Queue, I pop a message, then do some work. I didn't want to delete the message until after the work is done. How long does that message stay hidden before it's deemed a failure and is made visible again on the queue? eg. var…
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Azure Functions: Queue Trigger is expecting Base-64 messages and doesn't process them correctly

I have this Queue Trigger. The expected is when I insert a message in the Queue, the trigger must fire and process the dequeued message. [FunctionName("NewPayrollQueueTrigger")] public async static void Run([QueueTrigger("myqueue",…
Ramon Dias
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Add message to azure storage queue without base64 encoding?

I don't have the possibility to encode my request to base64, and according to the documentation I shouldn't have to, but I can't figure it out. If I Base64 encode it's working…
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4 answers

azure storage queue message live time

Did I understood it right that in Windows Azure Queue storage a message can live for 7 days maximum? What happens with the message after 7 days? What happens with the message if you read it once during the 7 days and you don't delete it? I mean you…
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3 answers

JMS message listener invoker failed, Cause: Identifier contains invalid JMS identifier character '-': 'x-request-id'

I'm working with JMS and queues (Azure queues) for the first time. I'm required to make a queue where Rubi server would write some data and Java would read it from queue and will do further executions. This process is working fine locally on my…
Omar Bahir
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1 answer

Azure Storage Explorer - Not showing "failed" queue items?

I have a simple Storage Queue setup that I'm adding messages too. These messages were received by an Azure Function but they've failed processing. Showing 0 of 3 messages in queue Why can't I see the "failed" messages in the Storage Explorer?
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Azure Blob and Queue Thread Safety

I need some help in understanding the thread safety in azure CloudBlobClient, CloudQueueClient and CloudBlob classes. I am developing a worker role which includes multiple independent job processors where each of these job processors read from a…
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Difference between Lease-Based and Lock-Based exclusive access in Azure Queues

I know (reading the msdn documentation here) that Windows Azure Storage Queues use a lease-based exclusive access strategy to the messages and Azure Service Bus Queues use a lock-based one. In both I can set the maximum duration of lock/lease. So,…
3 answers

How to use message queueing in a real-life scenario?

Ok, so I'm interested in message queueing. I really did loads of research on this subject already. I read 'programming windows azure' (about Azure Queues), I read loads of tutorials and information about the Azure service bus, I watched channel 9…
Leon Cullens
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2 answers

Windows Azure Service Bus Queues - MessageSender or QueueClient?

Backstory: A few months ago (when I was new to Azure Queues and the SDK tools out there) I Googled "how do I do this" and "how do I do that"... here is where I am today: I'm using a QueueClient (Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging -…
Timothy Khouri
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The type or namespace name 'ServiceBus' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft'

I'm trying to make a C# console app that adds messages to a queue. I'm following the examples about Azure Service Bus given here: My program does nothing at the…
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1 answer

Performance impact of calling CreateIfNotExistsAsync() on a Azure queue

Should I call CreateIfNotExistsAsync() before every read/write on Azure queue? I know it results in a REST call, but does it do any IO on the queue? I am using the .Net library for Azure Queue (if this info is important).
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