Questions tagged [app-id]

Identifier for an app that is unique across all apps within a given platform

Many platforms require consuming apps to identify themselves, so that the platform can decide which services can be provided to the app, how they should be provided, and at what rate. To that end, platforms often require developers to identify a list of apps which will use the platform, and the platform issues each one with an identifier string. The identifier string is unique across all apps which may use the platform and is typically a long, random, string (a "GUID").

265 questions
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An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string

I am trying to add a new APP ID to prepare for App Store submission and got the following error under the bundle ID I provided. An App ID with Identifier 'com.domainName.AppName' is not available. Please enter a different string. What does this…
8 answers

Removing App ID from Developer Connection

How do I remove an App ID from the developer program portal area? I mistakenly added a couple of app id's under the wrong login and would like to remove them, but I am not seeing a way to do so.
4 answers

How/Where to define an App ID Prefixes in Xcode?

I am a beginner of iOS developer, I am trying to define "Bundle Seed ID" (App ID Prefix) for my App. How/Where to define "Bundle Seed ID" (App ID Prefix)" in Xcode? Please provide the step in details.
Anson Tan
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An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string

I have tried to add extensions to my iOS app, both a today extension and an Apple Watch app. My app has been completed however when submitting my archive I got the error based on my bundle identifiers. I then removed the extensions, added them back,…
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Is it safe to change the AppID Prefix between updates?

I am trying to understand the role of the first part of the AppID for iOS apps. This part was formerly known as the "Bundle Seed ID", but is now often referred to as the AppID Prefix. A while ago (iOS 5?), Apple made some changes in both their…
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Should the rfc1034identifier be removed from the CFBundleIdentifier in plist file?

In my Xcode project's plist file, I can see the value for the key CFBundleIdentifier is: com.mycompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} Obviously I will have to change com.mycompany to the domain name of my company, but I have no idea whether the…
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Retrieve all comments with FQL by application ID

We use the facebook comment plugin to have comments on our site. To moderate those, we use this tool: However, we want to build our own tool to moderate those comments, and integrate it to our existing…
5 answers

How to change the App ID associated with my (Xcode managed) Team Provisioning Profile

I constantly struggle to get my codesigning to work. I'm trying to get a good generic provisioning profile that will work for all my apps during development. They're always failing codesign, but they also always install on my phone. Go…
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1 answer

Obtain Apple software id number before appstore submission (for Appirater)

I'd like to use the wonderful Appirater code to encourage users to rate my app, which I have yet to submit. In order for this to work, you need to have the software id supplied by Apple. As I haven't yet submitted my app, I don't have this id…
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iOS application update failed after app transfer with 'rejecting upgrade' error

I have my iOS app transferred from one apple account to another which causes team id change. Clean re-install works fine but every time I install an update I get the following error: [MIInstallableBundle performVerificationWithError:]: 517:…
Alexey Strakh
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3 answers

Can't enable keychain sharing on Xcode 8.0 beta 6

So I'm trying to turn on the Keychain sharing in target capabilities, and I got this error message: Add the keychain sharing feature to your App ID. The entitlements file is changed automatically when I turn on the Keychain Sharing. Anyone knows…
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Apple Developer - What is the 'Fonts' Capability under Register an App ID for?

I need to register an App ID in my Apple Developer account and saw under the 'Capabilities' section 'Fonts'. Which I found on means 'Fonts: Font Installation allows your app, with user permission, to install and use custom fonts." I ticked that box…
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9 answers

Add the “iCloud containers” entitlement to your App ID

I am trying to fix this issue for hours now. I have checked the App ID and confirmed the iCloud containers. Also i have entered the same in the app entitlements. But there is a always a red mark before "Add the “iCloud containers” entitlement to…
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How to find Google Play app id?

How to find Google Play App Id (Numbers) by just knowing the package name or having a link to the app download page ? example: package name: What is the app ID and How to find it ? This is the app id i want to get Thanks
Yaro Glogowski
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how to get android app_id from google play services

I created android application and hosted it on google play, but suddenly I deleted my project in Eclipse (from disk too) and now I am restoring some files from backup but I don't have old app_id in res/values/strings.xml how can I get app_id from…
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