Questions tagged [facebook-fql]

Facebook Query Language (FQL) enables you to use a SQL-style interface to query the data exposed by the Graph API. It provides for some advanced features not available in the Graph API such as using the results of one query in another.

Facebook Query Language (FQL) is now deprecated and the service is completely disabled and unusable.

FQL enabled you to use a SQL-style interface to query the data exposed by the Graph API. It provided for some advanced features not available in the Graph API such as using the results of one query in another.

3067 questions
7 answers

EOFError: end of file reached issue with Net::HTTP

I am using ruby-1.8.7-p302/Rails 2.3.11. I am trying to use FQL (Facebook API) to get stats for a link. Here's my code: def stats(fb_post_url) url = BASE_URI + "?query=#{URI.encode("select like_count from link_stat where…
Rahul Singh
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5 answers

What's the Facebook's Graph API call limit?

Is there any restriction in number of calls we make to facebook's graph api? and If it is there then how many calls can we make per app daily?
Mehul Hingu
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13 answers

Getting the Facebook like/share count for a given URL

I'm using the Facebook API to get the like/share count for given URLs. The strange thing is that it seems to be quite inconsistent in returning results. For example, this page returns…
Vijay Boyapati
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8 answers

Get Facebook "Like" count for every page on my domain

I have integrated the Facebook "Like" button into a lot of pages in my site. I want to display the most "Liked" pages on my site in a list, but I can't figure out how to get that data from Facebook in one request. So far, I have been able to get…
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6 answers

How to get large photo URL in one API call?

I want to display large photos in my Facebook app's feed view immediately. Is it possible to get the large photo src URL from a stream/feed using one API call? The photo id is returned in the stream/feed and one can of course then supply this…
John Wright
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5 answers

How can I execute a FQL query with Facebook Graph API

I'm looking without any success for a way to execute a FQL(facebook query language) query with the new Open Graph API. Does anyone know how I can do this? Found the answer here with this excellent example:…
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4 answers

Paging does not work and maybe I found the cause

I am trying to implement the stream (news feed) paging function to my app, but it does not work as expected. I found many similar question here but there are no solution to solve this problem. I tried both Graph API and FQL and the behavior was…
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1 answer

Facebook API, Phone Numbers

I am developing a Facebook Application that I need to get all the information of user, including mobile phone. However, even this page claims that user_mobile_phone permission exists, neither the…
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6 answers

How to list facebook users who like a page or interest

Possible Duplicate: Retrieve Facebook Fan Names I wanna get a list of facebook users who like a page or interest. FQL like 'SELECT user_id FROM like WHERE object_id=113970468613229' does not work. Is there a way to do this?
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5 answers

List of people who shared on facebook

I've been scouring the docs for a while now and can't seem to find a way to accomplish this. The information is available publicly (on a facebook page ... the link says "View all # shares") but I can't seem to find a way to access this info either…
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1 answer

FB Realtime API not/inconsistently notifying for certain connections (music, movies, books, tv)

I'm currently running into an issue with Facebook's realtime API. I wish to subscribe to a number of things on a users profile, including their "Likes" in the Music, Books, TV and Movies categories. I get the correct information when I query via FQL…
Chris S
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2 answers

Retrieve all comments with FQL by application ID

We use the facebook comment plugin to have comments on our site. To moderate those, we use this tool: However, we want to build our own tool to moderate those comments, and integrate it to our existing…
3 answers

Graph API how get facebook page members/likes

Facebook like check I've found an interesting app . This fb-app get all likes from any fanpage and sort it by mass and country! My question: how do these app get the data from the graph api ? First: get the fanpage-object no access token needed…
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6 answers

Retrieve Facebook Fan Names

I'm trying to grab the names of fans of a Facebook fan page that I administer. I've done some snooping around, and apparently, the FB API doesn't support that, but Facebook actually uses AJAX/JSON to populate the list. Anyways, can anyone suggest a…
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7 answers

Handling big user IDs returned by FQL in PHP

I'm using FQL to retrieve a list of users from Facebook. For consistency I get the result as JSON. This causes a problem - since the returned JSON encodes the user IDs as numbers, json_decode() converts these numbers to floating point values,…
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