Questions tagged [facebook-comments]

Facebook comments allow you to access the comments portion of Facebook programmatically.

Facebook comments allow you to access the comments portion of Facebook programmatically. The comments are child objects to a post, which has ownership by a user. This can be managed through Facebook apps.

Facebook comments API documentation.

798 questions
17 answers

Responsive Facebook Comments CSS Hack Broken

I was using: .fb-comments, .fb-comments span, .fb-comments iframe[style] { width: 100% !important; } To make Facebook Comments responsive on my website. This was working fine and dandy just the other day. Today I look and they have changed…
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2 answers

Retrieve all comments with FQL by application ID

We use the facebook comment plugin to have comments on our site. To moderate those, we use this tool: However, we want to build our own tool to moderate those comments, and integrate it to our existing…
9 answers

Facebook graph api comment count

seems Facebook changed the result of posts, few weeks ago it was possible to read the comment count from the post directly you got something like ... "comments": { "data": [ { "id":…
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Facebook Graph API get all comments

OK, so I've put a Facebook social plugin comments box on my site, in which i specified a Facebook Fanpage, as the comments target. Now what I want to do is get all comments that are present in the comments box on page my page. I'm using this:…
Marcin Stasiak
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2 answers

facebook graph api comment list sort , like 'orderby=desc'?

I use graph api to get the picture's comments, but I want to first sort the results by creating time and then return to the latest data. Similar to the sql statement 'order by create_time desc', I do not know if have such a parameter. Currently used…
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3 answers

Login to Facebook Comments iOS (swift) not responding

I am trying to incorporate Facebook Comments Plugin into my native app. The Facebook Comments Box is presented alright. but when I press "Login to Facebook to Post a Comment", nothing happens. I am trying to catch the event with this function: func…
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Posting/retrieving photo-comments using Graph API

When I use the Graph API to fetch a comment containing an image, the returned JSON contains no reference to it, e.g. {   "id": "10151452996201039_9302037",   "from": {     "name": "Anton Raxacoricofallapatorius Dyudin",     "id": "1534947411"   },…
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1 answer

Facebook Comments Don't Show in Comment Moderation Tool (but show on the actual page)

It seems like no comments after 26th of October appear in my Comment Moderation tool. Comments, however, appear on the page. On the webpage, I can see comments after that (some of which are spam which I need to moderate). I have the following code…
2 answers

Facebook Comments - Synchronization between website and fan page

What's the best way to synchronize facebook comments between website articles and fan page. What I would like to achieve is : publish articles on website with fb comments as comments system users can comment this article through website users can…
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4 answers

Facebook comment moderation tool

I have just added the facebook comments plugin and I am seeing a first comment of a user. But if I go to there isn't any recent comments. Any clue?
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3 answers

Commenting on Facebook Page Ratings (Reviews) via Graph API

Long time lurker first time poster... We are working with Facebooks API's to integrate into our web application and we are able to pull a Companies Page Rating via the {open_graph_story} parameter in the {page-id}/ratings section, however we cannot…
Jeremy Wight
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1 answer

How to integrate "Like" and "Comment" feature using Android Facebook SDK?

I want to implement "Like" and "Comment" feature in my app. I used this code: public static void like(String postID) { String grapPath = String.format("%s/likes", postID); Request request = new Request(Session.getActiveSession(), grapPath, null,…
3 answers

How to get App ID for an existing facebook page?

I have the following case: My client already has a facebook page with timeline and a decent amount of likes. My job is to integrate facebook comments and facebook like to their website. For this I need an App ID, which I can easily get by creating a…
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How to embed facebook post along with comments?

Spending a lot of time one figuring out that how to embed facebook posts along with comments, I came up with the idea to embed posts and comment separately using plugins and iterate over comments. Post: {% for post in pids %}
1 answer

Facebook comments getting error Cannot read property 'handleServerJS' of undefined

I try to include the Facebook comments in a page but I'm always getting the following error. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'handleServerJS' of undefined Here my codes. Right after the opening tag I include this.
Thomas Venturini
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